
W.O.D. 7.20.10

This workout runs every minute on the minute for 30 minutes. Start with one rep of each movement on the first minute, then add one rep every minute thereafter.


Minute One: 1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 1 Med Ball Clean*
Minute Two: 2 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 2 Med Ball Clean*
Minute Three: 3 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 3 Med Ball Clean*
Minute Four: 4 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 4 Med Ball Clean* etc ...

Continue as long as you can adding one rep to each movement until you "miss" - until you can no longer complete all the reps within one minute. At that point you re-start on the next minute, beginning at one rep and adding up again. Your total number of reps is your final score for this WOD.

*Weight for the Med ball (14#/20) and SumoDeadlift High Pull (65#/95#).

"Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal."
-Albert Camus

Rx Results:
Grans 334
Han 245
Shawn 306
Jay E 236
Mel 221
Sam 244
Tom 188
Tim P. 312
Seth 261
JZ 223
Mike F. 224
Miranda 242
Laura 310
Patti 240
Jim C. 238
Gary 233
Plentus 277
Charlie 315
Deb 233

Rx +:

Nikki 264 (20/65)
Donkey 246 (20/65)
Kerry 311 (20/65)

Scale Results:

Diane 146 (8/35)
Dennis 117 (20/75)
Kim G. 205 (10/50)
Kristin 157 (14/65)
Holly 220 (8/35)
CC 197 (10/45)
Peterson 250 (20/63)
Kristin T. 256 (10/35)
Lisa C. 212 (8/35)
Liz 195 (14/55)
Brian U. 240 (20/80)
Kelly 217 (14/55)
Keri ? (14/35)
Jaime 227 (12/50)
Steph V. 219 (20/65)
Joe M. 262 (14/65)
Justin 165 (10/65)

9:30AM Results:

Tara 10,8,8,2
Sam D. 7
Cate 11, 10, 8, baby cleans
Gina 6,4,4,3

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