
Brian and Rob Ph. resident 4:30 WODers!!!

W.O.D. 6.16.10

*At the beginning of every minute perform 15 Double Unders (sub 30 single unders, if you do not have double unders), for the rest of the minute perform as many Front Squats (95#/135#)(scale weight according to level and ability) as you can during that minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 15 Double Unders and then max rep Front Squats and so on until you reach 100 total Front Squats (scale to 50 if you are a beginner).

Your score will be the total number of minutes it took to reach 100 Front Squats (or 50 for beginners).

"Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks"
-Charles Dickens

Jason: 12:30 (grd)

Scaled to 50 Reps Only
P. Lentus: 5:00 (135#/DU/grd)
Kevin: 11:50 (135#/DU/grd) 64 reps
Jen S: 14:57 (95#/DU/grd)
Kerry: 11:43 for 50 @95# (13:17 more at 85#/DU/grd)
Aimee: 6:42 (95#/DU/grd)

Scale to 100 reps
Barb: 9:57 (35#/SU/grd)
Charlie Y: 12:43 (135#/SU/grd)
Christine: 17:00 (35#/SU)
Rob Ph: 15:56 (115#/SU/grd)
Brian R: 14:50 (95#/SU/grd)

Scale to 50 reps
Steph E: 8:48 (75#/SU/grd)
Jen N: 9:00 (35#/SU/grd)
Flounder: 6:45 (35#/SU/grd)
Maura: 7:05 (53#/SU/grd)
Jaime: 4:53 (45#/SU/grd)
Vincent: 9:54 (95#/SU/grd)
Miranda: 19:00 (95#/DU/SU/grd)
Chris B: 5:58 (95#/SU/grd)
Jay S: 6:58 (95#/SU/grd)
Cindy: 10:40 (50#/SU/grd)
Victor: 12:57 (65#/SU/grd)
Dorothy: 15:00 (55#/DU/grd) 55 reps
SAZ: 18:56 (65#/SU/grd) cleans
Megan: 8:55 (35#/SU)
Chris P: 5:50 (75#/SU)
Lindsey: 8:53 (35#/SU)
Kristen S: 8:46 (65#/SU)
Katie: 9:56 (45#/SU)
Bevin: 12:00 (45#/SU)
JZ: 11:32 (115#/SU)


  1. Before Nikki asks...grd means that the athlete took the weight from the ground, not a rack for the front squats.

  2. LOL - I figured that one out! I added this to my list of WODs to do at the globo gym up here, since it's glob-gym friendly.

    Great job on the Rx! let's see how close I can come to beating you :)
