
Steph E, Angela, Kathleen, Liz and Jay E.



W.O.D. 6.15.10

4 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
Push Press, 20 reps 65#/95#
Clapping Push ups, 10 reps
Chest to Bar pull-ups, 5 reps

Community Events:

Reminder-Fundamentals of Running and POSE workshop this Thursday at 5:30PM.

The Affiliate Cup competition at the South Central Regionals, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

Kids Classes:
Today there are two Kids Classes.
3:45-7-12 years and 4:45-3-6 years.


"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. "
-Herm Albright


Grans 21:33
Jerry 23:19
Olan 23:50
Aimee 18:21
Tim P. 16:38
Sam B. 17:48
Laura 24:05
Todd 26:42
Jeff 28:29 (Push Jerks)
Mike B. 20:38
Joe A. 22:46
Pukie 22:41
P. Lentus 14:33

Charlie Y 25:30
Terri-Ann 35:08
Donkey 27:46
Chris T. 29:30
Carlos 25:25
Steph V. 32:00
Miranda 28:01
Kelly 23:26
Tim G 37:01
JZ 21:01
Sean 29:26
Katie 30:40
Jay S. 30:36
Maureen 24:28
Lori 22:34
Mel 29:32
Ditty 27:03
Charlie T. 28:20
CC 25:59
Liz 27:07
Steph E 27:38
Kathleen 23:12
Holly 24:41
Jay E. 27:37
Terry B. 23:45
Rober 23:54
Dana 21:26
Angela 25:03


  1. Tim - Would have loved to come to the running class this Thursday but am doing a 5k. Hope to make it to the July one.

  2. Just a few things about last night...
    Sam B = ANIMAL

    Mel - AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME pushups girl.

    Tim G - way to hang in there last night and not give up, you put 120% into that WOD last night!

    That's all:)

  3. Nikki, we miss you. Come back to KOP.

  4. CC I miss you too! I'm back this weekend for a coaching marathon -- come to any WOD Friday afternoon through Sunday morning, and you're stuck with me! (Evil laugh...)

    I'm almost done with my stint in NY! 8 weeks down and 4 to go. Home for good starting July 19. Woo hoooo!
