
Games Prep Team Challenge!!

W.O.D. 6.28.10

5 Rounds for max reps of:
Body-weight bench press (e.g., same amount on bar as you weigh)

There is NO time component to this WOD. Your score is the total reps of Bench Press and Pull-ups totalled at the end of 5 rounds.

(compare to 2.23.10)
(compare to 10.29.09)

Lynne (Brendan G.) [wmv][mov]

"Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action."
-Orison Swett Marden

Plentus: 116
Sam B: 165
Mike V: 135
Chris B: 62
Joe A: 79
Pukie: 59
Olan: 70
Kevin: 86
Sam D: 91
Jerry: 79
JZ: 75

Liz: 99 (65#)
Jen S: 87 (80#)
CC: 78 (95# green)
Kim G: 63 (55# band)
Jim C: 64 (185#)
Lori: 43 (85#)
Jay S: 53 (135#)
Lauren: 53 (95# band)
Holly: 80 (60-55# band)
Flounder: 75 (115# band)
Kathleen: 81 (55# band)
Rob: 106 (165# Rx?)
Tim H: 83 (95# band)
Cate: 85 (125#)
Kim J: 81 (95# green)
Kerry: 110 (105#)
Aimee: 92 (105#)
Gina: 90 (35# band)
Brian R: 60 (155#)
Steph: 62 (105# green)
Kristen: 93 (75# band)
Sean: 61 (95#)
WW: 57 (155#)
Rob Ph: 71 (175# jump)


  1. I love the look of determination on everyones faces for the tire flip. I am so proud of all you guys that competed today. I am dying to know how you all did and who won!
    Steph, the link for the you tube video did not work for me.

  2. There is going to be a "bad ass bitch invitational" stongwomen competition at iron sport gym on august 8th. I kinda want to enter :) but alas I am def going to spectate. It's in glenholden, up the blue route. Who wants to join me?

  3. steph - that sounds awesome! do you have a link or any more info on it? i'd definitely consider it!

  4. No link or info yet...when i hear more i will let you know.

  5. http://www.metrodash.com/info/

    Is this a race for crossfitters or what???? 8/21 in philly :-)

  6. TOTALLY want to do this MetroDash. Says we can form a team - anyone else?

  7. Ran a 5k today,time- 32:53...sad I missed the Team challenge, looks like you guys had a blast...

  8. way to go miranda! we missed you at the team challenge. hope to see you sooooon!!

  9. Nice Job Miranda!
    What 5K did you run in?

    What was the hardest part?

  10. I am in for the Metro Dash!!!!

  11. The Metro Dash looks great, I'd love to do it!

  12. Steph, I have a wedding to go to on Aug 8 or else I would definitely go with you to the bad ass bitch invitational.
    I am in for the Metro Dash on Aug 21.
    Miranda, great job/time on the 5K!

  13. Darn, I was too quick to post and forgot my name...
