
W.O.D. 5.20.10


Warm up and then you have 10 mintues to get to your 1RM Hang Snatch


3 x 20 reps Reverse Hyper

2 x 400 M Sled Pull

CrossFit KoP and Steve's Club.
7 Dynamic Stretches to Improve Your Hip Mobility

What's going on this weekend?
Crossfit KoP is hosting a Level 1 Certification so what does that mean for you? It means that we are offering two FREE classes. One will take place at 12:00 PM on Saturday with Nikki at Mt. Misery (it won't be as bad as it sounds, or will it?). Click here for directions to Mt. Misery. Meet Nikki at the parking lot near the covered bridge off Rt 252.

The second FREE class will occur on Sunday at 10AM with Tim and Plentus who will host the WOD "Down by the River". Yes, if you remember the old Saturday night live skit, you have guessed correctly. Coaches T & P will create a super special WOD. Please park at Frosty Falls or in the lot behind Frosty Falls and meet near the Gazebo. These coaches have some fun surprises planned for everyone. CrossFit KoP members and non-members are welcome.


“There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting.”

Christine: 63
Ditty: 75
Tim P: 140
Kara: 33 form
Teamari: 50
Steph R: 43


  1. Actually only 63 for Ditty!

    Great Warm-up today, Timmy! The 6 am class is the place to be. : )

  2. How much weight should be on the sled?

  3. looks like it depends from the pictures. some people used 45#, all the way up to 200#+weight of sled.

  4. Looks like the sled was heavy enough to make Tim tie his shoes :)

  5. Get muscles the easy way, go to www.howdoyougetmuscle.info
