
Happy Birthday Miranda!

W.O.D. 5.5.10
Power Clean

Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes complete 2 Power Cleans (at 80% of your 3RM)

You Be the Affiliate No. 1

Community Reminder:
The "Beat the Streets" Fundraiser is right around the corner. We have three teams signed up and a few donations rolling in already. Who is in? You need a team of 4 (or we can pair you with a team) You need to show up at 8:00AM on Saturday 5/15 and if you have the means donate some $$ to sponsor the underprivileged youth to do CrossFit! It doesn't have to be much a few dollars from everyone adds up quickly.

Beat the Streets WOD:
AMRAP 15 min:
· Station 1: Burpees
· Station 2: KB Swings
· Station 3: Pullups (chest to bar)
· Run 200m

All athletes begin at the same time and switch when the runner returns. When the runner comes back in, he/she goes to Station 1 (Burpees) and everyone goes to the next station (Burpees goes to KB Swings, KB Swings go to Pullups, Pullups go to the run).

Scoring: Count total # of reps (sum of Burpees, KB Swings, and Pullups), team with the highest # wins.

"The great secret of success in life is for a man to be ready when his opportunity comes."
- Benjamin Disraeli

Jen S: 65 form
SAZ: 95
Deb: 95
Andy: 125
Olan: 155
Kevin: 190
Han: 135
Rob Ph: 145
Dorothy: 103
Plentus: 185
Andy (lulu) 35 form
Brian R: 145
Elyse: 95
Mike F: 185
Krista (lulu): 22 form
Annette: 22 form
Kim G: 45 form
Joanna: 35 form
Katie: 65
Kelly: 80
Vincent: 155
Todd: 175
Ditty: 93
Holly: 35 form
Kathleen: 75
Teamari: 35 form


  1. Happy Birthday Miranda!!!! Have a great day!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Miranda!!! You're great stuff girl!

  3. happy birthday, miranda! i hope you enjoy the hell outta your day!

  4. Happy Birthday Miranda! I hope you have a fabulous day. You deserve it!

  5. Miranda, you are by far one of the hardest workers at the box. Never one to complain, you just get the work done. Happy birthday!

  6. oompleani keai makwuunando.

    that means happy birthday is some alien language. enjoy your day and what chris said is so true.

  7. Miranda, I hope you have the best birthday ever!!

  8. Happy Birthday Miranda! Chris hit the nail on the head, love working out with you, you constantly inspire me with your hard work and focus. You rock!

  9. happy birthday miranda...its true what everyone says...it is reuly a pleasure to do workouts with you!

  10. Awww, thanks guys! I am very forunate to have met each and every one of you. Thanks for all the birthday wishes!!!!

  11. Hi Miranda! Happy Birthday!!

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEk5QqgYv_k&feature=player_embedded

    I just had to share this...i Found a tire in my garage and did shoulder presses and good mornings with it on my back and thought what else? google found me this. OMG it made me laugh out loud a bunch of times, but most of the crap the guy does would make a pretty good workout! who needs to spend a lot for home gym equipment!!

  13. Happy birthday Miranda! You are an inspiration and a pleasure to be around. Enjoy your day!

  14. Hey Miranda, keep up the good work, and ¡Feliz cumpleaƱos!

  15. Happy Birthday Miranda! You rock!

    Sam B

  16. Happy happy birthday!!!!!
