
Congratulations to all the Level 1 participants at CrossFit King of Prussia this weekend! Specifically Kerry and Sam G. I'm continually inspired by all the CrossFit athletes and trainers.

A huge shout out to Jason who completed the Coaches Prep course at CrossFit Reston. Jason learned some great coaching and programming tips we will bring back to CFKoP ASAP!

Jason and I promise we didn't coordinate our poses in the pictures! HAHA!

Thank you to Coaches Nikki, Chris and Tim for putting on some GREAT outdoor WOD's! The creative juices were certainly flowing this weekend!! Simply AWESOME!

W.O.D. 5.24.10

Thrilling Threes...

Max Deadlifts in 3 Minutes

Max Row for calories in 3 Minutes

Max Ground to shoulder Atlas Stone in 3 Minutes
(Atlas stone weight determined based on level and ability)

Max Wallballs in 3 Minutes
(14#/20#) to a 10 ft target

"There is no such thing in anyone's life is as an unimportant day."
-Alexander Woollcott



  1. Congratulations Kerry and Sam! And way to go Jason, hope you're bringing back some great stuff from your course, can't wait to hear how it went.

  2. Just wanted to thank the Nikki and Coaches T&P for great workouts this weekend. I had an absolute blast and would definitely do it all over again - even with the pushups. =)

  3. Check out this link. The times herald did a nice article on me.


    Aimee--I am going to tell the writer to give you a call to do an article on the gym. They are always looking for stuff to write about.

  4. kudos Kerry, Sam, and Jason! way to go, kids!

  5. and sean! kudos on your article...i hope you get a ton of business from it :)

  6. Thank you everyone .. it was an awesome experience!!!
