
Focus and Determination in the squat.

W.O.D. 4.30.10

Back Squat

"The 5 Ss of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit."
-Ken Doherty

Barb: 105
Mike V: 245
SAZ: 115
Teamari: 75
Cate: 205
Grans: 145
Brian R: 185
JZ: 225
Olan: 225
Dorothy: 115
Gary: 235
Nikki: 165
Kerry: 115 form
Brian M: 225
Jay E: 365
Jay S: 205
Kathleen: 105
Todd: 235
CC: 125
Pukie: 335
Joe A: 335
Steve G: 265
Kit: 230
Laura: form
Vincent: 260


  1. "The 5 D's of dodgeball are dodge, dip, duck, dive...and dodge". RIP Patches O'Houlihan :(

  2. OOOOO Can we have dodgeball/burpee warmup again?!?!?!?!?!

    "Quit? You know, once I was thinking about quitting when I was diagnosed with brain, lung and testicular cancer, all at the same time. But with the love and support of my friends and family, I got back on the bike and I won the Tour de France five times in a row. But I'm sure you have a good reason to quit. So what are you dying from that's keeping you from the finals?"

    coffee at 8pm tonite prob wasn't a good idea ops ... oh and if we need spirit i have a number of cheers - although i wasn't a cheerleader.

  3. guys, take a look at the mainsite wod...

  4. absolutely, Dodgeball Warm-up it is!

    Plentus-at least that's mainpage and not KoP..haha!

  5. you guys, I am SUPER pumped for a dodgeball warmup! I may come to every class tomorrow just to play dodgeball that many times!

  6. Dodgeball brings back nightmares of my childhood...being a fat kid you were ALWAYS the target...:(

  7. I'm glad today is my rest day...I am NOT a fan of Dodgeball...

    I'm more of an active spectator than player when it comes this game ;)

  8. LOL, Miranda I feel your pain. Don't forget prior to becoming the target you were picked last for your team as well!!!

  9. I'm in for dodgeball assuming we're not using the atlas stones in honor of Patches O'Houlihan...

  10. If you can dodge an atlas stone, you can dodge a ball...

  11. i'm with jen. i have no love for dodgeball. thank god for mandatory rest days!
