
W.O.D. 4.23.10

A Team WOD:
4 athletes constitute a team
AMRAP in 20 min:
Station 1: Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55#/75#)
Station 2: Box Jumps (21"/25")
Station 3: Med Ball Clean (14#/20#)
Run 200m

All athletes begin at the same time and switch when the runner returns. When the runner comes back in, he/she goes to Station 1 (SDLHP) and everyone goes to the next station (SDLHP goes to Box Jumps, Box Jumps go to Med Ball Clean, Med Ball clean goes to the run).

Scoring: There will be an information exchange at each station, you will pass the number of reps to the next teammate. The final score will be the total # of reps (sum of SDLHP, Box Jumps, and Med Ball Clean), team with the highest # wins.

If you missed the link in comments yesterday, our own Pukie Z was featured on the Affiliate Blog. Click here to check it out!

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success."
Henry Ford

Jaime/SAZ/Grans: 544
Deb/Seth/Aimee: 613
Tim M/Barb/Kathleen/Mel: 702
JZ/Olan/Kim S/Dorothy: 908
Han/Jeff/Brian R/Gina: 681
The Bloods: Swine/Jen/Ditty/Plentus: 852
The Cryps: Timmy/Jim C/Mike F: 572
Halloween: Vincent/Laura/Miranda: 539
Liz/Rob/Joe: 526
Kit/Jerry/Kerry/Shawn: 929


  1. I have a question, for those Paleo Candy bars, can you use any oil other than Coconut, or no? Its just so expensive! Could you use coconut milk with olive oil? Sorry i'm on a budget, but want to make these.

  2. I'm not sure, but I would imagine so. I'm just
    not sure the amount. The coconut oil I used
    wasn't for taste. It actually doesn't have coconut
    I would def try olive oil (not coconut milk).
