
Jim, Andy and Dave sprinting it in!

W.O.D. 2.22.10

5 Rounds for time of:
400M Run
Rest 3 minutes

Assistance Work:
2 Rounds:
25 GHD Back Extensions
25 GHD Sit-ups

7 things you can do for Earth day that matter

A guide to buying Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Community Notes:
Today is the day, our FREE Nutrition Workshop with Chris Plentus will be tonight at CrossFit KoP. The portion from 5-6PM will be a basic overview of nutrition (for those of you starting out on your journey). "Beginner: Zone, Paleo, and other Basics." The second portion of the session will occur from 6-7PM for the Nutrition GEEK in everyone (a tad more advanced). "Advanced: Pre and Post Workout; Refining Your Food."

You are welcome to come to either, but the Beginner will be more educational and the Advanced will be more FAQ and discussion. This will be FREE for members and non members!

If you plan on attending the "beginner" session please click here and print out this information.

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed."
~ Mohandas K. Gandhi

Plentus: 1:07/1:18/1:26/1:25/1:24
Scott: 1:39/1:40/1:44/1:49/1:42
Grans: 1:31/1:30/1:30/1:30/1:28
Nicol: 1:34/1:33/1:33/1:31/1:32
Chris T: 2:15/2:13/2:24/2:19/2:15
Kara: 2:31/2:29/2:36/2:34/2:29
Andy: 1:39/1:37/1:39/1:48/1:50
Dave: 1:43/2:10/2:10/2:18/2:11
Barb: 2:04/2:02/1:51/1:52/1:55
Jim C: 1:38/1:37/1:39/1:46/1:43
Teamari: 3:27/3:47/3:33/4:26/4:12
Donkey: 2:08/2:15/2:18/2:24/2:10
Kristen: 2:01/2:01/2:06/2:12/2:14


  1. PUKIE MADE THE AFFILIATE BLOG!!! I literally yelped as I loaded the page up...sweet life!


  2. I LOVE IT!! go pukie!!!!

  3. I cannot believe it says "aka Pukie". That is awesome!! No matter what the nickname, carrying those huge tires is impressive! Way to go!
