
Pukie Z. farmers walk, with tires!!

Jay E. 175# Atlas Stone

Mike V. farmers walk, barbell style!

Seth, Andy, Jay and Tim G. ground to shoulder stones!
(but what are JZ and Plentus doing in the background? a new dance?)

W.O.D. 4.20.10
Push Press

Atlas Stone Wall Ball Medley
3 Rounds not for time:
5 Ground to Shoulder Atlas Stones (90#/150#)
15 Wall Balls (14#/20#)
200M Farmers Walk (35#/55#)

Community Notes:
This Thursday April 22nd, we will host a free nutrition Workshop with Chris Plentus. The portion from 5-6PM will be a basic overview of nutrition (for those of you starting out on your journey). "Beginner: Zone, Paleo, and other Basics." The second portion of the session will occur from 6-7PM for the Nutrition GEEK in everyone (a tad more advanced). "Advanced: Pre and Post Workout; Refining Your Food." You are welcome to come to either, but the Beginner will be more educational and the Advanced will be more FAQ and discussion. This will be FREE for members and non members!

"Competition is the spice of sports;
but if you make spice the whole meal you'll be sick."
-George Leonard

Kim 85
Olan 150
Chris T 83
Kara 73
Mike V 195x2
Jen S 115x2
Teamari 65
Hannah 135
Jay E 205
Tim G 125
Max 125
Andy 125
Seth 115
Pukie 215
Mike B 215x1
Flounder 95
Roger 125
Cindy 95
Ellie 80


  1. Looks like a great workout today. I really wish I could join you all for this one, and I wish this volcano didn't have me trapped in Dublin. Miss working out with you all back home.

    Cheers from Dublin!

  2. This Sunday is the March for Babies walk. Would love to have you join us. If you can't make it please consider making a donation. Aimee will be doing the warm up!


    Thank you,

  3. I'm in for the GEEK out section. Thanks for doing this Chris, man you've been busy lately huh!

  4. I really like how you're splitting up the seminar into beginnner and advanced. Great idea, good luck!

  5. Cheers Gary- I could think of worse places to be stuck...

    We hope you make it back soon!
