
W.O.D. 4.17.10

3 Rounds for time of:
30 Push Press (65#/95)
30 KB Swings
30 Pistols (single leg squats 15L/15R)

Paleo Candy Bars

"I learned that the only way
you are going to get anywhere in life is to work hard at it.
Whether you're a musician, a writer, an athlete or a businessman,
there is no getting around it.
If you do, you'll win--if you don't, you won't."
-Bruce Jenner

Roger (75/35) 24:00
Kevin (95/55) 26:49
Olan (95/55) 27:59
Seth (75/55->45) 26:30
Sam (95/70) 24:56 (sub KTE)
Kristen (53/35) 28:33
Cate (65/35) 13:42 (sub squats)
Panos (75/55) 17:10

Ellie (45/26.5) 28:03
Joe A (95/55) 26:09
Justin W (65->53/35) 29:16


  1. Donkey, thanks for hosting a sweet paleo party. Can't wait til the next! paleOOOOOO!

  2. That Pa-LE-O party was great! Donkey, thanks for hosting!!!

    What a great house to host Pa-LE-O parties!

  3. its wonderful to have a full plate at a potluck!! I am impressed with everyones culinary skills! Thanks for hosting it Michele! I was so glad to GET OUT of the house for my gimpy debut.

  4. Sorry I could not make it, but is there any way I could get some of the recipes?

  5. Mike-I believe Donkey got them all together, once she gives them to me I'll publish them on the blog for everyone!

  6. i'm writing them all up this morning, you got it right Aimee!

    and for those who missed it...we decided to do it again next month. it will be PALEO: THE GRILL EDITION. happy to host again if people want to do it here.

    was a blast!

  7. Thanks for hosting Donkey! Great food and even better company! I would be happy to host the paleo grill party... if people are up for driving all the way to Ardmore! Count me in for the next one either way :)

  8. Results from today:

    Roger (75/35) 24:00
    Kevin (95/55) 26:49
    Olan (95/55) 27:59
    Seth (75/55->45) 26:30
    Sam (95/70) 24:56 (sub KTE)
    Kristen (53/35) 28:33
    Cate (65/35) 13:42 (sub squats)
    Panos (75/55) 17:10

    Ellie (45/26.5) 28:03
    Joe A (95/55) 26:09
    Justin W (65->53/35) 29:16

    Great job everyone! This was a killer workout with LOTS of reps. Way to keep chipping away at it, especially on those PISTOLS!!! Next time you'll be that much better off for having fought through them today! :)
