
Remembering Paul and the Fallen Heroes.

W.O.D. 4.3.10

in honor of fallen Officer Paul Scuillo II...

Paul’s badge number was 4179 and he was 36 years old, hence 9 rounds (3+6). These were some of Paul's favorite exercises. This WOD was created by Lisa and some of the original members of CrossFit KoP who sat around our kitchen table shortly after the Pittsburgh tragedy creating this WOD.

There have been a few iterations of the WOD from various CrossFit gyms and CF HQ who will shortly publish a Hero WOD in Paul's honor, but this was the original and the one completed at CrossFit KoP and at our 4179 Fundrasier on 6.6.09 which raised over 4K for the families of the fallen officers..

9 Rounds for time:
4 C2B Pull-ups
1 Deadlift 185#/275#
7 Push-ups
9 Burpees

(compare to 4.4.09)
(compare to 6.6.09)

Recipe from JZ and Jaime:
Broccoli and Pine Nut Soup

CrossFit King of Prussia Kids:
Our cuties are featured on the CrossFit Kids Page today...
Click here to see the photo of their Atlas Stone Races!

We are closed tomorrow Sunday April 4th for EASTER!


"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey."
~Kenji Miyazawa

Jason: 14:27
Olan: 15:35
Plentus: 9:42
Kit: 9:59
Jim C: 23:25

Gina: 18:21
Jeff: 15:19
Ellie: 15:30
Deb: 16:02
Kim S: 15:29
Ditty: 20:32
Vincent: 14:38
Jay S: 18:06
SAZ: 20:46
Liz: 17:41
Mike F: 18:50
Christine: 19:03
Cate: 11:04
Panos: 14:52


  1. Hi all,

    I wish I could be there tomorrow. This is an important WOD for our CrossFit family and I will be thinking of Lisa, Paul and the rest of you as I drive north.

    Tear it up KoP!

  2. Did this one again this morning and I must say it is one that I find a way to pull through. No matter what kind of pain you think you are in, you think of the pain in the hearts of all of those involved in this tragedy and all of a sudden, it does not feel so bad...

  3. Does anyone have an in to the Broad Street 10 miler? Any corporate teams or club teams that I can run with? I can believe it is filled already. I'd really love to run it but it is full. Any ideas? I know Chris would also like to run but is in the same situation.

  4. I think that's awesome that HQ will be making a hero WOD in honor of Paul!

    Wish I could have been there!

  5. Wish we could have been there!!

  6. Really wish I could have been there for this one today.... was in Annapolis for a couple days with the boys.. couldn't make it back in time. Gonna have to knock this out at an open gym... anyone up for that??

  7. Jerry,

    I'll definitely do this with you at an open gym. Anybody else?

