
Jack Lalanne-Sugarholics
a man way before his time!

W.O.D. 4.14.10

7 Rounds for time of:
200M Run
7 Wall Balls (14/20) all to a 10ft Target
7 Box Jumps (21"/25")
7 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

Tough Mudder:
If you are missing the Tough Mudder this May and want to participate, there is one coming up later in the year. Click here to check out the Tough Mudder on November 20 and 21nd in Englishtown NJ.

"Athletics should reduce stress, not increase it."
-Mark Allen

Swine: 16:30 (20# vest)

Jeff: 19:30
Olan: 19:00
Nikki: 17:57
Laura: 20:38
Mike B: 18:30
Tim P: 15:09
Shawn: 19:04
Aimee: 16:33
Joe: 23:18

Kerry: 22:32
Alex: 23:00
Brian: 20:14
Gina: 25:09
Kim J: 24:53
The New Ian: 27:12
Melanie: 21:44
Miranda: 24:30
Jen S: 18:31
Ditty: 25:22
Han: 30:57
Kevin C: 20:58
Andrea: 20:45
Krista: 19:30
Adam: 20:00
Tim M: 24:33
Ajay: 22:54
Mike F: 20:41
SAZ: 26:04
Dorothy: 26:49
Tom: 22:06 (Rx after round 3)
Teamari: 23:10
Kevin: 19:40
Barb: 20:07
Deb: 19:56
Kristen: 25:52
Katie: 24:35
Kelly: 13:30
Trish: 18:40
Joe D: 25:54
Kara: 21:08
CC: 24:50
Maureen: 21:54
Pukie: 20:37


off and running...

Meet Kevin

and Brian...

Can you recognize Ian in his new sneaks?


  1. That is a good video.....

    Do you think I could get a Jack Lalane workout outfit? Aimee, do they sell those at Lululemon??

  2. Jer-I'm sure one of the ladies at the box might have a sewing machine and maybe Donkey has some old fabric lying around...if it makes your Clean and Jerk go up we can certianly craft one for you?!?!

    Maybe the R & D team at Lululemon will get this in the Spring/Summer 2010 line?????

  3. If anyone is interested: there is going to be a
    10 mile run on August 14 in Sea Isle City NJ in
    the evening.
    It's for a great charity! About $20 to sign up.
    The website is crossingthefinishline.org.
    I plan on running. If anyone wants to make a
    donation to my team or run with us please let me
    know. Thanks!!

  4. i will certainly donate some fabric to jerry's lalane outfit. jer, would you like pink or gold lame?

  5. I used to watch Jack as a kid. I dare say he left his mark. I am also happy to say that I don't eat any of the poison on his list. Even as a kid, I never even ate my own birthday cake. That's discipline baby. I choose husky and strong over soft and weak. Jack rules!

  6. Donkey - Black. Not a flashy color type...

  7. Jack Lalanne's grandson owns a CF gym in San Fran - called Lalanne fitness. I got to work out there when I was in San Fran for work last November. It's a great gym, right in the heart of SF. And Jack's grandson is as hardcore as he was! Good place to grab a WOD if you're ever in the area :)

    PS - Ray - I have a zombie tshirt for you if you're interested... it's from CF Manassas

  8. Jerry, JZ has this outfit in silver but he only wears it
    around the house. I'm sure he would let u borrow

  9. Hey CfKOP,
    If anyone is interested in getting a team together for this Tough mudder.. I'm totally down. I was mad I missed the first go around.

  10. Ian, way to push through, esp. on that first run! Love the shorts and sneaks.
