
Hannah...still looking AMAZING girl! Keep it up!

W.O.D. 3.30.10

“The Chief”

5 Rounds of:

3 minute AMRAP:
3 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats

Rest 1 minute

(compare to 4.23.09)

The Chief ...[wmv][mov]

"Never let the fear of striking out get in your way."
- George Herman "Babe" Ruth

Rx Results:
Mike B. 20
Swine 24
Vincent 18
Kit 31
Jim N. 21
Jeff 23
Hannah 18
Tim M. 14
Jen S. 16
Nikki 24
Olan 19
Cate 25
Jen C. 20
Jerry 26
Mike F. 21
Pukie x2 26
Jay E. 18

Scale Results:
Deb 25
Kara 20
Jane 22
Jaime 21
Chris T. 19
Steph R. 16
Flounder 15
Ellie 20
Christine 15
Kathleen 20
Patti 16
SAZ 13
Gunter 25
Laura 20


  1. Great coaching Tim! Thanks. .

  2. Swiney, you remember this beast in the heart of atlas? It was either this or something like it.

    I need to go watch the "why can't I do this video." That thing always makes me smile. Hard to believe a 95# clean was hard at one point in time. Amazing.

  3. Not sure I did this one right. I did 3 rounds in each 3 minute block, but knew I wasn't going to get another round in, so I started my 1 minute rest whenever I finished the 3rd round. did this 7 times for a total of 22 rounds (got 4 rounds in the 1st 3 minutes because I went over 3 minutes of work)

    This workout was not only hard, it takes a genius to know how to do it.

    Used 65# because I didn't want to scare the guys with my wonderwoman strength. (I know Aimee, I could have done better!)

  4. Chris, Nice work on this WOD coaching. Had a blast.

    L2 guys, new stuff is posted, feel free to edit and correct and post your own stuff up there.

  5. @ Dorothy- next time 75# your are ready for it!

    @ Plentus- good class! love the simon says!

  6. wod at Crossfit Richardson TX this morning, good group, Fran tomorrow if I can find transportation....KOP representing in The Republic

  7. yeah Jim! Way to represent on the road!

  8. Dorothy:

    The movements that constituted one round were 3 power clean, 6 pushups, and 9 squats. So, what you needed to do was continue to rotate through all of those for 3 minutes. So, in three minutes you completed:
    3PC, 6PU, 9AS
    3PC, 6PU, 9AS
    3PC, 6PU, 9AS

    In this instance your score would be 3 because you finished 3 complete rounds. After the three minutes, you take your 1 minute break and then repeat. This is an incredibly hard WOD to do on your own.

    To answer your question about resting because you knew you would not finish another round or working to the end...it is depends on what you are trying to accomplish...if you are trying to get fitter, I would suggest you work until the buzzer even if you will not finish the round but if you are in it for the game and want to make sure you get the same number the next round and could use the extra break...take it.

  9. Jason, thanks for all your coaching and encouragement yesterday! It really helped me to get those power cleans.
