
W.O.D. 3.5.10
Spring is almost here...let's play...

Complete as many runs as possible in 20 minutes...

Working together as a two man team, each time you cross home plate you score a run.

1st Base - 15 Med Ball Cleans (M-20#/W-14#)
2nd Base - 10 Burpees
3rd Base - 20 KB Swings (M-55#/W-35#)
Home Plate - 15 Cal Row

Highest total runs wins.

"The optimist says we live in the best of all possible worlds and the pessimist fears this is true" -Unknown

Sandy Prostates: 5 (Swine, SAZ, Mike V)
Fluffy Uterus: 5 (Jen S, Aimee)
She Devils: 5 (Donkey, Kim J, Kristen)
Snatches: 5 (Megs, Jaime)
Y Chromosomes: 6 (Kevin M, Charlie Y)
Hot Fuzz: 5 (Mke F, Kevin G)
Ball Sweat: 5 (Jerry, Justin)
And 1: 4 (Hannah, Ian)
Banana Sucks: 4 (Dorothy, Alex)
Big Bump: 5 (Mike, Jay)
2nd Base is Hot: 4 (Steph V, Vincent)
Team Hulk: 5 (Laura, Miranda)
Team Rage: 5 (Rob, Justin W)
Team Ironman: 5 (Ironman)
Team Een: 4 (Maureen, Christine)
Meat Curtins: 6 (Kerry, Granny)


  1. LOVING this!


  2. Love Baseball!
    I'm so ready for this WOD

  3. Today, the Sandy Prostates and Fluffy Uteruses tied.

  4. boy oh boy, if you aren't hitting the 6AM WOD's... you sure are missing out on the craziness!

  5. I wonder if Jason W. will come out for this one...

  6. In the noon class the "Y Chromosomes" pulled out a last second win over the "Snatches" and "She Devils"

  7. Away WOD Annie: 11:55 with 45 lb dumbells for the feet and with a few weird looks from people who were on treadmills. Got some questions from people using the pool in the hotel which was next to where I had room to jump rope, including "How can I sign up for this CrossFit stuff?."

    How many people bring their own jump ropes to a professional meeting anyway?
