
Vogue-March 2010

W.O.D. 3.2.10

Shoulder Press


Hollow Rocks
Single Arm Alternating Kettlebell Swings

Fudge Babies, Baby-Melissa Urban talks about our Fudge babies and the Whole 9 visit to KoP!

Hollow Rocks, Jeff Tucker [wmv][mov]

Weekly Schedule Reminders:
Tomorrow 3/3 starts our first 4:30 PM Wednesday class.
Sunday 3/7 there will be no CF Kids class at 11:00AM.
Click here for up to the minute schedule changes.

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson"

Kara: 60x2 (11:17)
Chris T: 65 (11:51)
Kristen S: 60x1 (11:11)
Joe D: 225 FS (12:36)
Miranda: 80 (15:09)
Melanie: 75 (15:12)
Mike F: 155 (14:44)
Donkey: 60 (14:15)
Olan: 135 (16:12)
Liz: 58 (14:54)
Kathleen: 45 (12:52)
Gary: 115 (14:37)
Flounder: 85 (16:43)
Jay: 185 (12:53)
Gina: 53 (12:26)
Laura: 68 (11:42)
Sam B: 160 (8:26)
Maureen: 45 (14:37)


  1. I can't wait to get back to the box!!!

    Unfortunately, it probably won't be til Wed...

    JZ - how about an early morning workout!!? C'mon!

  2. oh..ps...did anyone see our famous Realtor on My 1st Place!?

    I have it DVR'd ;)

  3. Hollow Rocks, done properly, are the single most scariest thing in the world!

  4. does anyone have any suggestions for a homemade salad dressing? And also any "paleo" non sweet snacks besides nuts and jerky? your suggestions appreciated!!

  5. @steph: my favorite is balsamic vinegar + olive oil, with a little cumin, a little salt, and a little pepper, although i'm just as likely to simply throw on balsamic vinegar straight and leave it.

    non sweet snacks: carrot sticks, apple & almond butter. when i ate peppers i would eat them sliced and raw. also the whole 9 gave a recipe the other day that sounded yummy...sweet potato and coconut milk mixed with a little cardamom on top.

  6. Steph - I also have taken a liking to banana sliced with crushed walnuts and some almond butter. If you are really "wild" use some agave/honey instead of AB.

    I'm with Donkey I'm pretty simple: olive oil, lemon juice, s&p; balsamic or red wine vinegar and oil or plain balsamic

  7. Steph - the things I've been eating as snacks are: cut up veggies, hard boiled egg, lara bar (i know that's prob a sweet, fruit, nuts, jerky, sunbutter on fruit or veggies, guacamole on veggies. Melissa from whole 9 suggested grilled chicken too.

  8. oh...sunbutter...for those who said that there is such a thing as sunbutter without sugar...Whole Paycheck Devon had no such animal. did you find it at a different one?

  9. Hollow Rocks were more like Hollow Rock-Bottoms for me! Need to work on that torturesome move a bit!

  10. So hollow rocks, arch in the back or not?

  11. @ Laura - no arch! To get in the hollow position you contract your core... think about bringing your ribcage towards your hips. This should cause any arch in the back to disappear. To do hollow rocks, you then lift your feet and arms off the ground (6-10") so your body has a nice rounded curve (like a boat, or a banana!) Rock forward and backward in this position.
