
CrossFit KoP...On the Road to the 2010 Games.

Athlete Profile: Aimee Lyons

Height: 5'0"
Weight: 119
Age: 31
Started CF: May 2008

Deadlift: 255
Back Squat: 200
Front Squat: 170
Over Head Squat: 140
Press: 85
Clean: 140
Max Pull-ups: 30
Max Double Unders: 77
Fran: 4:15
Cindy: 28
Angie: 14:30/19:30 C2B
FGB: 333
Filthy 50: 21:09
Chelsea: 30 +1
Grace 3:26 (95#)
Nasty Girls: 10:38
Annie: 5:10
Murph: 41:15


  1. You rock! I am so ridicously proud of you! I know you will do well and I promise to go hoarse screaming at you...


  2. Aimee- What an inspiration to all women (and a lot of men too!) You are one bad ass force to be reckoned with! Can't wait to see you blow them out of the water at Sectionals!

  3. What can I say... your stats say it all... you are going to CRUSH sectionals! I'm excited to be there cheering you on and bragging, "that's my coach!!!" You set the bar for intensity and drive, but also for comraderie and sportsmanship. It's a treat to train with you!

  4. Can't wait to cheer you on, Lovies.
    You areone amazing girl. We are so proud of you. Mom and Dad

  5. aimee: you are my favorite bad ass fire breather. it's an asbsolute honor to have you as a coach. i know you're gonna freakin' ROCK sectionals.

  6. You are going to be awesome!! I can't wait to cheer you on. You are a rock star!!

  7. Your leadership permeates into everything you do. From the way you greet people walking through the front door of the box - to your coaching style - and of course your own personal performance. Your numbers are incredible!! Can't wait to watch you lead 'Team K of P' into sectionals!!!

  8. I love this picture for the record. You are one amazingly HOT woman! I am super lucky. WoW!

  9. A great coach, a great competitor, and an awesome person to boot. Nikki said it best, you will CRUSH the Sectionals!

    And yes, Jason, you are super lucky.

  10. You are pretty freakin strong Aimee.

  11. Aimee,
    u are living proof of what can happen when u are brave enough to do what u truly love. Good luck...not that you'll need it!!

  12. You carry the standard. A true warrior.

  13. You are my hero Aimee!

  14. like folks at the Winter Hybrid Challenge said, you're just fun to watch workout!

  15. Aim - can't wait to watch you at compete. Thanks for being an inspriation and I know you'll rock sectionals.

  16. Aimee, you are an all around awesome person! You will be amazing at the 2010 games. You go girl!! P.S. Reading all of the best wishes for you has really moved me...all the love and support...that is what you have taught us at KoP.

  17. Thank you all. The support from everyone of you for all of the sectional competitors has been amazing. It was a goal of mine last April to send 5 athletes to sectionals this year; we have 12 competing. Every athlete has been training hard with supplemental strength for the last two months and dialing in on diet...it should be an awesome show at Sectionals, not to be missed!

    I hope all 12 athletes move on to Regionals...3...2...1...go...Let's get some KOP!

  18. Very psyched to be part of the team that is led by super Aimee. An inspiratiot thats noticed by all in the gym, and a huge motivator makes you the best coach ever. Good Luck, lots of us are behind you.

  19. Aim,

    You've been a real pleasure to have as a coach, competitor, mentor, and friend. You've pushed me to new limits I never thought possible, and thats not just because of your programming. You set the bar high and push us all to get over it. You're a class act and one of the best in the business. I'm happy to have the opportunity to compete as a KoP'er, because of you.

    Let's rock it.


  20. Aimee,
    I don't know how someone as awesome as you can be so humble. We are all very lucky to know you. Thank you for sharing your passion with us.

  21. Aim - its an honor to have you as a coach!
    I'm betting you're gonna kick some ass this year and I can't wait to see it!
    Good luck!!

  22. "The Power of a Leader: True Leaders are not those who strive to be first but those who are first to strive and who give their all for the success of the team. True leaders are first to see the need, envision the plan, and empower the team for action. By strength of the leader's commitment, the power of the team is unleashed"

    Aim - I can't say much else except you're amazing! You'll kick the crap out of everyone at sectionals. Keep pushing, keep believing. It's time to get some!

    "Standing tall has nothing to do with height"

  23. Aimee - You are an inspiration. Thank you for all your guidance and more importantly your patience with me.
