
...at the Super Snatch and Jerk Clinic with EC and James!

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On March 27, spend 3 hours learning the fastest lifts: the snatch and clean & jerk with EC Synkowski and James Hobart. Sessions run from 9-12 OR 2-5 PM. Each session is limited to 20 people which will allow for individualized coaching and immediate feedback/ $100 per person. All skill levels, from beginner to experienced, welcome.

Some information about EC and James:

EC has been a CrossFit trainer since 2006. Her love for the Olympic lifts began after her first seminar with USAW and CrossFit Coach Mike Burgener, where she could not even overhead squat! Since then, she has focused on the snatch and clean & jerk for their unparalleled demand of both strength and technique. EC holds the following CF certifications: Level 1, Level 2, Olympic Weightlifting, Barbell, and Gymnastics, and is a head trainer at CFHQ seminars.

James has been a CrossFit trainer since 2007 and holds the following CF certifications: Level 1, Olympic Weightlifting, Barbell, Nutrition, and Gymnastics. James is also a top tier CF athlete: he finished first at the CF Games Northeast Regional Qualifiers in 2009 and he can snatch 225 lbs and clean & jerk 275 lbs at a bodyweight of 175 lbs.

Here is what some clinic participants have said:

“The Olympic Lifting Clinic put on by EC and James is top-notch. All of our athletes, from beginners to our most experienced lifters, progressed incredibly in just a few hours. The coaching style that EC and James bring is fun and professional; everyone comes away from this clinic with a better understanding of these complex movements. This clinic is a can't miss.”
- Ben Bergeron, Owner, CrossFit New England

“The Oly Lifting clinic run by EC and James couldn't be better. For me, it was great having a small group of participants because it allowed for a ton of individualized coaching from EC and James. That in itself was worth it. To get the chance to lift with well trained eyes watching and providing immediate feedback and suggestions was terrific. Thier generous personalities, sense of humor and patience also made for a stress-free learning environment as well...it's always better when you're having fun! Don't miss it!”
- Sue Lozinski, Member, CrossFit Watertown

“I thought the clinic was top notch! From a learning perspective it was very non-intimidating for new clients yet still get deep enough to challenge the ‘seasoned’ athlete. I highly recommend this clinic for all coaches and athletes, young and old. E.C and James are great presenters and awesome people. Each person walked out of the doors with a deeper understanding of the Olympic lifts.”
- Jason Leydon, Owner, CrossFit Milford

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