
W.O.D. 1.18.10
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
Shoulder Press, 10 reps (65#/95#)
Knees to Elbows, 10 reps
400 M Run

Images from the Hybrid Winter Challenge.

Carbohydrate consumption, in the form of wheat, milk, and high fructose corn syrup, subsidizes American crops and keeps the USDA in business...click here to continue reading, Disturbing Counsel.

Check out:
Whole Foods Plymouth Meeting

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter."
-Dr Martin Luther King Jr.


Kathleen: 3 (35#)
George: 4 (95#)
Kerry: 3 (55#)
CC: 4 (45#)
Rob: 5 (95#)
Shawn: 5 (Rx)
Miranda: 4 (Row 65#)
Jeff: 5 (95#)
Kelly: 4 (45#)
Meighan: 4 (Row 55#)
Jen S: 4 (55#)
Katie: 3 (35#)
JZ: 5 (80#)
Sam B: 7 (95#)
Patti: 4 (45#)
Joe A: 4 (95#)
Matt: 5 (45#)
New Todd: 7 (75#)
Melanie: 4 (55#)
Dorothy: 5 (45#)
Steph: 3 (65#)
Olan: 5 (95#)
Vincent: 4 (75#)
Laura: 5 (55#)
Cindy: 4 (33#)
Hannah: 5 (65#)
Gary: 3 (75#)
Kim: 4 (45#)
Mike B: 6 (95#)
Liz: 4 (45#)
Kara: 4 (45#)
Chris T: 4 (45#)
Ditty: 4 (55#)
Donkey: 4 (45#)
Jerry: 6 (95#)


  1. Any news on the Marley baby?????? We should have done a pool

  2. It will be a boy. The ancient Chinese pulse indicator has failed.

  3. I think a girl for Nicole and Chris.....

  4. It's definetely a boy? Congratulations!!!!!!

  5. Baby Marley is a BOY! due May 30th! He was flexing his muscles and wouldn't stop moving during the sonogram. I am just hoping he doesn't weigh 11 lbs like Tim did when he was born. ouchie! Thank you everyone for the support and blessings!

  6. that's awesome Hannah and Tim, congrats!!

  7. Congratulations Hannah and Tim!!

  8. Yay for Baby Boy Marley and his wonderful parents!!

  9. You have to name him Magnus......Magnus Marley. It has a badass ring to it.

  10. Congrats Hannah and Tim!!! Any names in mind yet? Jon is a nice, strong, masculine name. If not, you could always go with Bob.

  11. Home WOD:

    Warm up & Strength:
    500 M Row
    Rotator Cuff complex
    5X5 53# KB Floor Press
    3X10 Push Up
    50 SitUp

    Then, AMRAP in 20 min:
    10 Squat w/ 53 & 35 lb KB's
    10 KTE
    400 M Row
    3 Rounds

    Those KB squats w/ off balance 53 & 35 lb KB's are much harder than barbell front squats with the same weight. Much more core work involved to stabilize. I love my KB's!

  12. Nice Ray! Magnus Marley does have a nice ring to it. That baby will come out doing 65lb thrusters!

  13. And good luck to Hannah dealing with all of the testosterone in the house! Here's wishing a healthy baby (Magnus is an awesome name) and healthy mom and dad!

  14. Congratulations, Hannah and Tim!!!! that's so exciting!

    Nicole and Chris, when are you finding out?

  15. Hi Cate!!

    We are waiting to find out. :)


  16. Great article on carbs and the government sponsored food pyramid Aim. Also there were some pretty awesome scores yesterday, great job everyone for sticking through the running.
