
"A Box Jump Blur..."

W.O.D. 1.2.10
As Many Rounds as possible in 15 Minutes:
Option 1
3 Hang Power Snatch (65#/95#)
2 Rounds of:
3 Pull-ups
6 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps (21"/25")

As Many Rounds as possible in 15 Minutes:
Option 2
3 Hang Power Snatch (65#/95#)
2 Rounds of:
2 Muscle ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Single Leg Squats (4R/4L)

Hang Power Snatch

SISU-The Miko Salo Documentary

Paleo Diet Breakfast:The Angel Puff

Our regular schedule resumes today and has a NEW look Click here for our updated weekly schedule.

We are offering numerous FREE classes, workshops and seminars in January. Make sure to tell your friends and family. Click here for the Schedule of Free Classes this month!

Today's FREE CrossFit class 8:30-9:30AM.

“It is courage, courage, courage, that raises the blood of life to crimson splendor. Live bravely and present a brave front to adversity.”


Option 1
Charlie: 5
Jason: 5
Gran: 7
Birthday Todd: 6
Steph: 4 (Black)
Kim: 6 (45# Green)
Laura: 6
Tim M: 3
Han: 3
Jeff: 4 (29")
Cate: 7
Donkey: 6 (45# 25" Green)
Jim C: 4
Mike F: 5
Olan: 5 (75#)
Evan: 6
Kristen S: 4 (33# Band)

Option 2
Nikki: 5
Kit: 3 (105# and JMU)
Swine: 3 (105#)
Aimee: 4 (68#)
Tim P: 3

Joe A: 100BJ, 500M, 200DU

1 comment:

  1. Crossfit is getting some press on Access Hollywood. Valley crossfit in LA is putting the TV host through the 300 workout.
