
Melissa and Dallas from the Whole Nine at Operation Pull-up for Hope...and Melissa brings us the article below!

W.O.D. 1.3.09

"It's the New Year, let's break out the Benches"

Bench Press


21-21-21 + 40 GHD sit-ups
15-15-15 + 40 GHD sit-ups
9-9-9 + 40 GHD sit-ups
6-6-6 + 40 GHD sit-ups
3-3-3 + 40 GHD sit-ups

(The goal here is to work in sets that will challenge you to stay on the bar, you decide where you need to be to challenge yourself. After your pull-ups complete 40 GHD sit-ups. Sets of 30 or more or sets of 1 are also allowed depending on your level and ability.)


Beware the lure of the Sexy Metcon

Schedule Notes:
If you have registered for the DE/MD/PA Sectionals we are starting our supplemental strength training program today, Sunday at 8AM. Anyone registered for sectionals under CrossFit KoP is welcome to attend.

If you are interested in an additional Strength Training Program and not registered for sectionals, hang tight with us for another 4 weeks. Once we complete our first 4 week cycle the goal is to roll out our first official Strength Class.

11:00AM CrossFit Kids 3-6 years
12:00PM Goal Setting Workshop

"The Olympic Snatch is gymnastics with a bar".
-Mark Rippetoe

Chris S: 275x3 (9/9/9)
Chris P: 185 (25/25/25)
Swine: 175x3 (9/9/9)
Todd: 175x3 (16/16/12)
Charlie: 175x1, 165 (6/6/6)
Tim P: 165 (25/25/25)
Nick: 130x3, 125
Nikki: 110 (9/9/9)
Aimee: 110 (9/9/9)
Lisa: 105
Steph: 95x4
Ditty: 90x2, 85
Nicole: 80 (6/5/3)
Meighan: 80x3 (4/5/6)
Laura: 70
Kim: 65 (10/10/10 black)
Maura: 65 (10/10/10 black)
Jaime: 45 (5/5/5 black)
Steve: ?


  1. For beginners, or for those who may be shoulder challenged or who wish to avoid shoulder problems, I highly recommend the floor press as a substitute. This can be done using Kettlebells, Dumbells, or the Barbell, and it can be done unilaterally or bilaterally. I prefer unilateral work with a heavy KB. It looks like the first move of the TGU lying flat on the floor. Keep the weight (or hand position if using a barbell) in close to the body and push straight up keeping the shoulder blades flat on the floor. You can also work in variations such as lifting one or both feet off the floor to engage the core.

    I find the floor press superior to the bench press with regards to building pure pressing strength and developing the stabilizing muscles of the rotator cuff. The floor press also places you in a more natural position as far as functional movement goes. If you ever have to execute this movement for real, then it will be from the floor (or mat for you MMA types and wrestlers)to push an object off or away from your body. It also prevents your elbows from dropping into a position that can easily compromise (i.e. injure) the rotator cuffs, pecs, and glenoid labrum. Try it out. Your chest muscles and shoulders will appreciate you for it. ;)

  2. Excellent post Ray. It is interesting how the jury is still out on the correct depth of the bar during the bench press. If you touch your chest, you put tremendous strain on your rotator cuffs as you mentioned.

  3. Interesting that the proper depth of a BP is so controversial, yet from what I can tell it's faily universally agreed on that we should do chest to deck pushups. Doesn't that put the same strain on the rotator cuff? Understandably people may bench far more than they weigh... and the chance of injury to the rotator cuff would go up with weight... But we also do weighted pushups! Any thoughts?

  4. In my opinion people when benching bring the bar to high up on their chest putting more of the load on their should at the bottom. You should bring the bar lower on your chest and there should be a slight arch in the back so that the pecs are actually taking on more of the load.

    People who do a typical body building type split overwork their shoulders way too much. They do benches and then shoulder excercises and almost any other upper body movement uses the shoulders. All this overworking and not to mention imbalancing can cause shoulder problems.

    Aimee and Jason I am stoked about the strength class!

  5. Nikki, standard pushups or even weighted push ups should not be a problem since the floor once again tends to limit the range of motion. Parellete pushups and dips can get you into a range that can do a number on your shoulders if you go too deep, and wide pushups (and wide grip bench press) can also overpower the rotator cuffs.

    Much of the problem occurs due to imbalance issues as Joe mentions (working too many beach muscles while neglecting the stabilizers).
    The bench press and parallete pushups and dips can be done safely if done properly with a well conditioned shoulder girdle. Just be careful not to go too heavy until you are ready. In addition, take the time to work on the stabilizers like the rotator cuffs. TGU's and weighter's carrys are great for this along with a number of other quick and easy to do drills to help strengthen the external rotators and stretch out the internal rotators. Developing the rotators not only helps avoid injury, but it also helps lifters achieve significantly heavier lifts, so it is time well spent. I never paid much attention to it in my youth, but I do now!
