
Ray, deadlifting away with a fully recovered hammy...and setting PR's!

W.O.D. 1.8.10

Max reps in a single long, long set:

Overhead Squat
Front Squat
Back Squat

Workout ends when the bar touches the floor - including between exercises!
Rest, then, max reps in a single set again:

Push Press
Push Jerk

Same weight for both halves, benchmark of 95# men, 65# women.

"Mini Cindy"
AMRAP in 10 minutes
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

Free January:
Nutrition 101 with Evan, Chris and Cindy @ 7:30PM. All are welcome!

Affiliate Cup Competition 2010.

"Life is a process. We are a process. The universe is a process."
-Anne Wilson Schaef


65# Jen S. 45
85# Adam 67
30# Steve 116
95# Sam 112
95# Swine 95
65# Aimee 105
95# Tim 57
65# Megs 71
65# Lisa 102
65# Kevin 116
35# Kristen S. 114
65# Nikki 109
43# Dorothy 93
65# Laura 71
63# Cindy 67
55# Gina 54
95# Shawn 68
95# Plentus 69
45# Liz 104
95# Jeff 72
95# Jim 73
95# Mike B. 83
65# Miranda 61
65# Curin 92
45# Maura 94
55# Kerry 139
25# Maureen 75
65# Ditty 35
95# Mike F. 69
95# Rob 75
95# Joe A. 103
95# Steph 70
75# Nick 27
95# Jerry 82

Mini Cindy Results:
8 Jen S.
10 Adam
5 Steve
10 Swine
13 Aimee
12 Tim
8 Megs
5 Kevin
7 Kristen S.
10 Nikki
6 Dorothy
10 Laura
8 Cindy
8 Gina
9 Shawn
14 Plentus
6 Liz
8 Jeff
6 Jim
6 Mike B.
5 Miranda
7 Curin
7 Maura
6 Kerry
7 Maureen
5 Ditty
6 Mike F.
10 Rob
5 Joe A.
7 Steph
7 Nick
10 Jerry


  1. Ray you are kicking ass and taking names ... I see a 400 lb deadlift in your future!

  2. Cindy, Chris and Evan..
    Thank you so much for sharing tonight and to Aimee for having it!

  3. So here's what I learned from Barry Sears, PhD-

    Take whatever fish oil that you are consuming...put the oil in a shot glass (obviously you'll need to open pills) and put in freezer. After 5 hours, use a toothpick and see you you can poke it through. If you can, the it's good. If the oil freezes solid, then it's rancid.

    Another thing to consider is the purity. I realize that there are schools of thought that say to take as much as you can, however you need to be conscious of how the oil was obtained and processed. (Yes, it is a processed, fragmented food). Fish oil tends to contain heavy metals and so it's critical that those metals are removed. The more oil you consume of poor quality, the more heavy metals (which are extremely toxic) will enter and take up residence in your body only to wreak their own sort of havoc.

    Dr. Sears stresses purity of fish oil. The purer the oil, the more expensive. It's just how it goes...taking lots of rancid oil loaded with heavy metals could come back to haunt you down the road.
