
Men's Top 3 Finishers:
1. Terrence Fenningham 2. Brian Quinlan 3. Bruce Barger

An amazing group of CrossFitters!

Women's Top 3 Finishers:
1. Aimee Lyons 2. Jenny Butler 3. Kristi Kinsey

CrossFit KoP had an awesome showing at the CrossFit 215 Winter Throwdown. Jay and Micah put on a great event, FUN was had by everyone! Thanks to all the athletes who competed and to all of the fans who came out to support us!

The WODs were:
250 meter Row
40 Kettlebell Swings
500 meter Row
30 Kettlebell Swings
750 meter Row
20 Kettlebell Swings
1000 meter Row
10 Kettlebell Swings
Men = 50 lbs KB
Women = 35 lbs KB


5 rounds of:
5 Thrusters
7 Burpees
30 Pull-ups
Men = 95 lbs
Women = 65 lbs

CrossFit 215 Winter Throwdown Results:
Final score was determined on a points system based on overall ranking of each WOD.


Kit Zipf #7 (16 points)
Mike Mishik #10 (23 points)
Mike Bramowski #21 (42 points)
Tim Pappas #23 (44 points)
Sam Greenough #28 (57 points)
Jeff Handler #43 (81 points)

Aimee Lyons #1 (3 points)
Nikki Sieller #4 (10 points)
Kerry Smith #10 (20 points)
Lisa Esposto #10 (20 points)
Meighan Doran #14 (27 points)
Doreen Antonucci #17 (36 points)

CrossFit 215 Winter Throwdown Pictures:
Click Here

CrossFit 215 Team Video

“Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be.”
-Jack Welch

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