
Keith back in town for a visit to CFKoP!

W.O.D. 11.12.09

As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of:
5 Burpees
10 KB Swings (55#/70#) *
15 Double Unders *

**scale weight for the KB as necessary according to level and the sub for double unders will be tuck jumps.

Optional Strength:
Shoulder Press

Community Notes:
I know it sounds crazy, but mark your Calendar for the CrossFit KoP "Festivus" (christmashanukkahkwanzaa)Party on Thursday 12/17/09...details to be announced. Other Thursday December reminders, 12/3 Open Gym, 12/10 Yoga.

"Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress."
-Bruce Barton

Sam 13 (Rx)
Swine 13 (Rx)
Aimee 14 (Rx)
Tim P. 12 (Rx)
Granny 11 (45# Sub DU w/ 100m row)
Lisa 10 (45/35# for 1 rd)
Kara 7 (25#)
Chris T. 7 (25#)
Keith 8 (70# rd 1/55#)
Steph R. 6 (25#)


  1. Festivus for the rest of us! Why do I have a feeling that there will be a "feets of strength" WOD involved. Will there be "airing of grievances"? Because I have a lot of problems with you people! Who is bringing the aluminum pole? Remember, no tinsel it is distracting.

  2. I think the Gap song was Christmahanakwanzika. I actually had a Christmahanakwanzika party in 2003. It was fun. Good times.

  3. I'd like to give some congrats to Kara, Chris. T and Steph, many of you may not know these ladies, but they have all recently started CrossFit and were able to get double unders for the first time in this WOD! Super excited for them and their dedication.

    Not to mention we welcomed Keith back for a visit!

    Great Noon class! Way to push!

    Also, I'm doing a "free" intro session Friday at 5:30 if anyone has any friends or family that have been wanting to check out CrossFit and tag onto the session.

  4. Hey Aimee,
    Quick question for ya. What time is the Open Gym on 3 Dec.?
    Hope everything is going well!

  5. Way to go Kara, Chris and Steph on the double unders! What is your secret to double under domination? I am painfully still working on them...and have yet to face them in a WOD. You ladies rock!!!!

  6. Did this one at school today with a 55lb dumbbell. 8 rounds and 4 burpies.

  7. Hi Matt- The Open Gym will be from 5PM-7PM on 12/3.

  8. Proud of you Mike. Way to fight to the end of the buzzer and get four more burpees. It takes wicked determination to start a round you know you will not finish after you worked 19.5 minutes. Good work.

    Hints for double unders....

    1) keep your elbows close, moving them away from your body shortens the rope and you will clip your feet.

    2) jump straight up, do not get in the habit of doing donkey kicks. when you feet come down from a donkey kick, they have forward momentum which can mess up your timing.

    3) du's are all about wrist speed. the way that i time is when i jump up, i make sure my wrists flick down HARD twice. you need to be very violent and fast with your wrist or you will struggle to create enough speed in the rope. think of whipping a whip. the faster you crack your wrist, the faster the whip travels...eventually creating a mini sonic boom.
