
Michele aka Donkey, learning how to kip!

It is our job as coaches to strive for excellence, learn more about specific subjects and skills and bring them back to the athletes at CrossFit King of Prussia. These skills are the skills which will help you PR in WOD's and get your fitness to the next level. We are going to use next Thursday as our first "Workshop" Thursday. As you know private training sessions are always available to take you to the next level but if you are interested in an budget savvy way to gain skill and knowledge, our "CFKoP Workshops" are the way to go! Also, if there is a workshop you would like to see held, we would be happy to entertain the idea...

Thursday November 19th:
Kipping Workshop with Aimee and Jason 6-7PM $10
Pose/Running Workshop with Tim 7PM-8PM $10

Reminder for the 8 Week "Lyons" Oly Lifting Class:
The class will run for 8 weeks on Saturday at 10AM, the cost is $200 for all 8 sessions. We currently have 5 spots available. Dates will be 11/21, 11/28, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19, 1/9, 1/16 and 1/23. In the class we will focus on how the snatch and clean & jerk bring speed, power, coordination, agility, accuracy and balance to your strength training. These lifts are indispensable to CrossFit programming and having extra coaching is a powerful advantage.


  1. thanks again for the awesome kipping lesson, aimee!

    anyone else think i might need another band on that bar? just in case?
