
The Girl Scouts came to enjoy some broad general "FUN" at CrossFit KoP!

W.O.D. 11.5.09
Burpees and Jerks
(Push Jerks or Split Jerks) 95#/135#

*At the beginning of every minute perform 5 burpees, for the rest of the minute perform as many jerks as you can during that minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 5 burpees and then max rep jerks and so on until you reach 50 total jerks.

2010 community event:
Fall is in the air and most people are just starting to plan for the 2009 Holidays... at CrossFit KoP we are planning a little farther out. Mark your calendars now and click here to read about a FREE Detoxing Workshop coming to us in the new year! January 6th 7:30-8:30PM.

Coach Pappas will be traveling to Atlanta this weekend to complete the Running and Endurance CrossFit Certification with Brian MacKenzie. Wish him luck!

"You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives."
~Clay P. Bedford

Sam 155#/11:50
Aimee 103#/14:59
Tim P. 135#/19:39
Cate 95#/11:54
Meg 65#/12:39
Dawn 45#/12:54
Kevin 75/65#/17:52
Kristen 75/65#/14:41
Ray 135/75#/25:58
Steve 35#/10:50
(sub 35# kb swings for burpees)


  1. That's awesome Tim! I am in need of your clinic when you bring it back.

  2. Good luck Tim!

    Steph~awesome job last night, that is a major improvement from your fist squat!

  3. Thanks Miranda...

    You are a great partner...

    You are clearly a powerful and strong wome (even with a bum wrist!)

  4. Have fun Tim!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  5. Thanks for the well wishes CrossFit KoP. I've been waiting a some time to get coached by Brian Mac and I'm very much psyched to run and always ready to learn some better form.

    I know its kinda late, but tonight at 7:30 a great author of a hugely popular book called 'Born To Run' is speaking at the Tredyffrin Library. Chris P is going to meet Laura and I there and as of 4pm it was standing room only of over 120pp. He preaches about the POSE crossfit style of running that I will learn more about this weekend. He's always a wacky kinda guy too and entertaining to listen to.

  6. Damn Sam 155 is sick for that WOD.

    Finishing sooner rather than later definitely had its advantages as well. It took me a while to figure that out!

  7. Did this one at school today. 16:55

  8. Tim, my dad is reading that book. I wish I would have known sooner, I would have told him. I am planning on reading it when he is done.
