
Check out the height on the Wall-Balls
JZ-way to conquer the evil 20 pounder!
We all remember your first experience with that thing!

W.O.D. 11.3.09
Get ready to run!!!!

5 Rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
30 box jump, 25/21 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20/14 pound ball

Community notes:
And the winners for the "no sugar" month are...Chris P. and Mike Fab! Congratulations, both gentlemen will receive a month of free membership at CrossFit KoP!! Journals can be picked up at the box.

We will be testing out a new class concept. I have had numerous inquiries for a CrossFit "lite" class. We know that regular CrossFit class is scalable for all ages, shapes and sizes; but to many there is still an intimidation factor. This class will be 30 minutes in length and be watered down for the beginner. If you know anyone who has been wanting to test out CrossFit and see what it's all about, now is the chance. We will be testing out this "lite" concept at 7:30PM on the following Tuesdays...November 10th, November 17th and November 24th. This is open to existing members and will be $15 for non-members to check out.

Is anyone interested in a kipping workshop? We have hosted two in the past, both have a been success. If there is interest with some of the new members we would be happy to host another one. Please post to comments if you have interest.

"If people only knew how hard I work to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all." – Michelangelo Buonarroti

Jerry 39:29
JZ 35:52
Jeff 35:09
Mike B 33:33
Nikki 26:29
Granny 26:07
Jen S 31:01
Plentus 29:20
Sam 25:49
Kelsi 35:09
Swine 24:29
Cate 34:25
Aimee 27:53

Michelle 23:50 3 Rds
Chris T 23:56 3 Rds
Kristin 25:34 3 Rds
Nicole 22:00 3 Rds
Patti 34:09
Kelly 37:47
Cindy 41:00
Chris S Ouchie
Kristen 30:24
Han 36:23 4 Rds
Tom 35:28
Trish 31:29


  1. Mami will sign up for Crossfit lite...Te amo

  2. I am interested in the Kipping workshop, but my schedule is tight. I can only do 4:30 on weekdays.

    Thanks for the great instruction last night. It's awesome that you guys continually improve yourselves and then bring the knowledge back to us.

  3. "Get ready to run"- Darn! It's my off day!

  4. Check out our CFkids at http://www.crossfitkids.com/ and a reminder there is a kids class tonight at 4:45 PM!

  5. Hey Aimee...
    Are you going to make a flyer for the "lite" Class? I may have people (less adventerous and kick-ass then myself :-)that would try it that way! One suggestion...what about calling it crossfit for beginners or something like that, instead of lite? Just a suggestion :-)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Congratulations to the no-sugar challenge winners, great job!

  8. Aimee - I would be interested in a kipping workshop. Thanks!

  9. I would be interested in a kipping class, but do you need to be able to do a pull-up?

    Congrats to the winners of the no sugar challenge!

  10. Cindy,
    Do you still need a guinea pig?

  11. Kristin - you can learn to kip with a band!

  12. I cannot make tonights workout so I did it at school today I had to alter it a little.

    5 Rounds:
    400m run
    30 box jumps on a box estimated at around 25 inches
    20 burpies in place of the wall balls.

    Time: 41:30

  13. Evan,

    I would love another volunteer! Please email me at cindy.handler@boundless-possibilities.com and we'll set it up!



  14. Kristen, that is how I learned to kip!!!!

    Get on it girlie

  15. Steph- Thanks for the feedback, I will be putting a flyer together this week for the "CrossFit" lite class...or whatever name we come up with. We are also going to offer a Free class for the public on 11/21 at 9AM, so I will include that on the flyer as well.

    Kristin- When I learned to kip I didn't have a pull-up. Practice and discipline go a long way when learning a new skill.

  16. I'd be interested in a kipping workshop.

    Congrats Mike and Chris!

  17. Aim is correct. You do not need to be able to do a pullup to do a kip but it does help.

    Master the positions and you will be well on your way to kipping like mad.

  18. Jason, thanks for the motivating pushes tonight, appreciate it. Great coaching! That workout was a BEAR.

  19. Yay Nicole! Way to ROCK those wall balls! (Look whose getting shout outs now, huh? You go girl!)

  20. Thanks Nikki ~ we are way past Nicole's bedtime but I will tell her to look at the blog tomorrow. You did great tonight.

  21. yes, would be interested in a kipping workshop.

  22. everyone did amazing last night...kelly is not an easy workout. that being said, i wanted to point out a few people.

    1) all of the moms to be. it is great to see everyone pushing even when preggers. you are all an inspiration to us by showing that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. studies show that moms that workout have a lot less chance of birth complications so kudos to all of you.

    2) kelly, i love the fact that you stuck with the high box the entire workout. great work.

    3) swine, you were a man possessed. i was about to call a priest to perform an exorcism. your speed on each run was amazing and your height on the wall balls was outstanding. you owned that workout.

    4) cind, you are like the little engine that could. you kept on trucking through that workout despite how much i know you hate running. awesome work and a great time.

    5) the class for pushing each other. you did well tonight and brought out a lot of what crossfit can do.

    jen you were pushing nikki
    jz you were pushing jeff
    swine you were pushing sam

    there are many more to name but it was evident that a lot of people in class were trying to keep up with someone and that is outstanding. thanks to those being chased because you help make my job easier and kudos to all of those chasing with all of their hearts, trying to pass someone.

  23. I would be interested in a kipping workshop as well. I agree that Kelly did awesome with the tall box! Way to stick with it!
