
This Saturday December 5th 2009 at 12:00PM CrossFit King of Prussia and CrossFit Tribe will unite to remember the Soldiers and Families of those affected by the shooting at Fort Hood. We will perform a Hero WOD fundraiser dedicated to our four Fallen Lumberjack CrossFit soldiers.

Follow this link for more information about Project Lumberjack Fundraiser.

If you would like to donate FOLLOW THIS LINK and share it with Family, Friends, and others, and let them know what the CrossFit community, specifically Crossfit King of Prussia and CrossFit Tribe are doing this Saturday!!!

“Lumberjack 20″
20 Deadlifts (275lbs)/Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)/Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)/Run 400m
20 Burpees /Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar) /Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24″)/Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)/Run 400m

“Lumberjack 20″ (Ladies scale)
20 Deadlifts (185lbs) /Run 400m
20 KB swings (1.5pood) /Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (75lbs) /Run 400m
20 Burpees /Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar) /Run 400m
20 Box jumps (21")/Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (25lbs each)/Run 400m

“Lumberjack 20″ (Scale) *
20 Deadlifts (135lbs) /Run 400m
20 KB swings (1pood) /Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (45lbs) /Run 400m
20 Burpees /Run 400m
20 Pullups/Run 400m
20 Box jumps (13")/Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (15lbs each)/Run 400m

*We will scale more if necessary based on level and ability.

Following the Lumberjack WOD we will end the day with a friendly Mystery Competition between affiliates...This will be announced on Saturday!
Feel free to bring any food, drink, family or friends to enjoy the day with you!

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