
Mike and Gina-July 28th before CrossFit.

Mike and Gina-November 25th-current CrossFitters.

A message from Mike:
Gina and I wanted to share these two pictures with you. The first was taken July 28. It was two months since Gina had Mary Kate and right when she started Crossfit. I had been doing Crossfit, but my diet was horrible. The second picture was taken Saturday night November 25, I am actually wearing the same suit, shirt, and tie. I am down 35 pounds, thanks to following a proper eating plan you suggested and Crossfit. Gina weight is below where she was prior to having the baby and is down two dress sizes. The pictures are more than just about weight loss, but feeling better about ourselves as well. We are healthier and happier thanks to our "Crossfit Family". The support, encouragement, and enthusiasm in the box is something that cannot be mimicked at a "globo gym". These results could not have been achieved at a "globo gym" either, trust me we tried.

W.O.D. 12.1.09
(yes, she's a little evil...)
5 Rounds for time of:
800 M Run
KB Swings, 30 reps 2 pood/1.5 pood (70/55lbs)
30 Pull-ups*

or baby Eva
5 Rounds for time of:
400 M Run
KB Swing, 15 reps 1.5/1 pood (55/35lbs)
15 Pull-ups

*If you decide to do "Eva" we will be putting a time cap of 50 minutes on this WOD.

Tuesday 3:45PM CrossFit Kids 7-12 years
Tuesday 4:45PM CrossFit Kids 3-6 years
Click here for the CrossFit Kids Flyer
Tuesday 7:30PM CrossFit Lite
Thursday 5-7PM Open Gym $10
Saturday 12PM Lumberjack WOD

From Humble Beginnings, Part 2, by CrossFit Again Faster, CrossFit Journal preview video ... [wmv] [mov]

"Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you"
- Ovid


Tim P 36:32
Aimee 48:23
Jason 54:03
Mike F 61:38

Full Eva
Megs 35# 48:10
Nikki 35# 43:28
Cindy 35# 59:18
Sam B 55# 41:48
Jeff 55# 49:02
Jen S 45# 54:08 (owie with 23 PU left)
Todd 55# 51:10

Baby Eva
Kevin 55# 28:50
Donkey 25# 28:38
Shawn 55# 21:56
Jim C 55# 25:32
Liz 35# 25:18
Curtin 35# 27:45
Plentus 55# 17:23
JZ 45# 22:32
Gina 35# 25:56
Miranda 35# 30:03
Mike B 70# 27:57
Melanie 25# 24:48
Kristin 25# 26:09
Nick 35# 31:00
Steve 25/35# 34:14 (800m run and 30 KBS)
WW 55# 31:39


  1. Time cap be damned ... this girl is MINE!

  2. woof. i officially fear tomorrow's WOD.

  3. Mike and Gina, you both look great!!! Keep up the good work!

  4. Great job Mike & Gina! :) :) I love how we are all so inspiring to each other! I am honored to be able to work out with you and everyone at Crossfit KOP!

  5. Mike and Gina -

    You guys look amazing! What a transformation...congrats!

  6. Eva is on my list of WODs to try still...bummed I'm missing it today!

    Mike and Gina - congrats on looking great! I think its awesome that you guys are inspiring each other :)

  7. Congrats guys!! Mike you were one of the people i saw on the front squat video yesterday..and was suprised how different you looked

  8. Gina and Mike - you guys look amazing! Congrats on your awesome results!

  9. Congrats Gina & Mike! You two look awesome!!

  10. look at healthy couple...congrats on your all your hard work Mike and Gina

  11. Pretty awesome you two! Reminds me of this:


  12. Congrats Gina and Mike! I've really enjoyed working out with you and getting to witness your transformations firsthand:) Very inspiring and keep up the great work! Mike - I was especially impressed with your dedication during no-sugar month in September. You really committed to it 100% and it shows!

  13. You two sexy biatches!!! Way to go keep up the good work. I think it is great that the both of you work out together and are so passionate about it. CrossFit KOP couples Rock!

  14. Thanks so much you guys! You are all so sweet and we are so lucky to have you all inspire us!

  15. I just looked back at my last baby Eva time (6/27/09). I used a 35# KB and finished in 23:26. I wonder what the chances are of me doubling everything, plus swinging a 55# KB for the first time, and still finishing in 2X my baby Eva time. Sounds like a challenge!

  16. Nikki - No problem. Your pullups are spot on and the run will be no issue. Walk up to the challenge of the 55lb and swing it! You can do it - just break it down into sets of 5 or 10. (or 2 or 3 like I had to with pullups!)

  17. @Mike & Gina: I don't think I've worked out with either of you yet, but I am very inspired by your transformations. As a newcomer, I love to see this kind of stuff--it keeps me pushing harder, seeing what is possible. Thank you for your awesome example.

  18. Nice job today everyone. I showed up for CF Lite and was in awe at the puddles of sweat.

  19. Mike and Gina, you guys look amazing, it's awesome to train with you and see how far you've both come in such a short time. And Mike, it's time to get that suit taken in!
