
Great Costumes, the hospital patient, nun and track star! Thanks for coming in costume and for an awesome Wolverine WOD!!! Happy Halloween!
W.O.D. 10.30.09

6 Rounds for time of:
10 Clean and Jerks 135#/95#
20 Pull-ups
100 Sit-ups
1 Lyons Loop Run (approx 600M)

or the...

4 Rounds for time of:
10 Clean and Jerks 95#/65#
20 Pull-ups
50 Sit-ups
400M Run

*note the 6AM crew will have a special surprise WOD.

Don't forget to dress up for class and click here to read about the details for our Halloween Party!

The flu season is upon us and it's time to take care of yourself! Your health is the most important thing. There is alot of sickness going around right now. If you are not feeling well, please STAY HOME. Although we do everything in our power keep the "box" sanitized, a gym is one of the leading locations where germs are spread. Get healthy and be courteous to your training buddies. Rest is not always a bad thing.

"Isabelle" by Glory Dawson - video [wmv] [mov] and David Lipson - video [wmv] [mov]

There is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery.
~Joseph Conrad

Wolverine Results:
Chris S. 89:10
Granny 72:20
Joe A. 93:42
Lisa 58:55
Tim P. 48:28
Jeff 67:43
Sam B. 73:01
Wolverine Cub Results:
Dave 43:10
Liz 39:43
JZ 33:43
Miranda 30:40
Nicole 49:04
Kelly 39:26
Dorothy 39:20
Steph 46:34
Jen S. 38:38
Trisha 36:32
Paul 29:11
Kristen S. 38:52 (35#)
Megs 34:10
Rob 38:33 (135#)
Wolverine Scale:
Laura 75# 56:08
Jim C. 4 Rds 58:00


  1. in case you don't have facebook, a video from the grand opening:


  2. Great video Chris, thank you for putting it together, I'll get it up on www.crossfitkop.com today!

  3. OOOOO...what was the 6am suprise WOD???...I didn't come to the usual 6am today...opting to attempt the cub an a suprise costume this afternoon!

  4. good luck to all doing it. the workout is really not that bad. all of those sit-ups just drive you crazy after awhile.

  5. Check out my post today: Baring the back without the briefer.
    CrossFit...U Rock!


  6. Stephanie ~that is AWESOME!!!! Great post. Keep up the good work, you are doing a phenomenal job at the box!


  7. jason, if you're saying that workout isn't bad, you clearly didn't do it fast enough...yeah, what, i said it. and you can thank the Marine Corps for those absurd amounts of situps.

  8. Kit, the workout could not have been that hard, you were about 4 minutes faster than me. Maybe you should have thrown a few thousand more situps in?

    Oh, okay, it sucked big time.

  9. Daaahhhmmm, Jeff is getting fiesty. In my opinion the amount of situps was not absurd but just kinda dumb because it didn't really flow with the "heavy metcon" of the workout. Oh well though it certainly was a changeup. I wonder if the mainpage would like it, or if they would rather like to it it with 50 situps to keep it moving quicker. Any thoughts...

  10. PS- Doesn't matter though, my abs are on fire just like the rest of you. Awesome work everyone that stuck thru this one.

  11. Bummer. I wanted to give this a shot, but I was enlisted to take the family out to dinner. A man has got to know his priorities to keep the ladies happy.

    That nun outfit is awesome, and I am sure it was comfy for "Wolverine"!

    I am going to try something like it at home here this morning. My "gut" tends to agree with you Tim. 50 for 6 rounds sounds more balanced and it is still a boat load of sit ups.

    Awesome job Jeff....and everyone else who endured this! At least I now know that 600 sit ups can be done on 48+ year old abs!!

  12. Aimee - my time is not listed. I don't know what it was, but I remember doing the workout, it sucked.

  13. JZ- good call, I knew I saw you there....33:43, it's been updated :)

  14. saying it is not bad may not be what i meant. anything you do for 79 straight minutes of high intensity work sucks. i meant to say that i could do the runs and pull-ups easily and my favorite part was double grace but if you look at my times on this thing, i got CRUSHED by the sit-ups. double grace is probably 15 minutes and 120 pull-ups is probably 15 minutes. the running is probably 15 minutes so i spent almost 35 minutes doing sit-ups. that is horrific and i guess it points to an absolute weekness.

    so when i say it was not bad, i mean that i spent so much time doing sit-ups that i was able to recover mostly everything before then. the thing that i could not recover was ab work. they were shot.
