
A Few Results..

The Mens Rx Winner- Dave Lipson 7:55
The Ladies Rx Winner- Aimee Lyons 9:31
The Ladies Scale Winner-Jen Blasi 8:26
The Team WOD- Team" tuck your knees"-13:47
(Nikki, Mike H, Chris P. Aimee)

W.O.D. 10.26.09
Deadlift 101:
We will form teams depending on the amount of athletes at each class, warm up and practice the deadlift with PVC until everyone is "pretty". Each athlete of each team will roll through a 5 rep round at 65 pounds. After everyone has excellent form at 65 pounds, each athlete will perform 3 reps at 95 pounds. We will assume now that everyone is still looking "good" and we will load the bar with 135 pounds; athletes will then come to the bar one at a time and perform ten reps rotating through until each athlete has completed 5 sets of 10 reps each at 135 pounds. Today nothing other than perfect form can be tolerated. Remember painstaking attention to your technique will be amply rewarded for years...We will be "rehabilitating" athletes today, if someone has intractably bad technique they need to be segregated and sent back to the PVC, then 65 pounds, then 95 pounds with great technique before being allowed to return to the group.

At the end of Deadlift 101...if perfect form has been executed you will attempt a new "PERFECT FORM" 3 Rep Max on your Deadlift.

(click here to compare to 7.2.09)

Click here to view all the photos from the "Yack in the Box" Grand Opening Celebration of CrossFit King of Prussia!

We wanted to say thank you to all the local CrossFitters and the ones who traveled from as far as CrossFit Queens, CrossFit South Brooklyn and CrossFit Exodus to compete in the "Yack in the Box Challenge". We feel that the day was a huge success and a lot of that is directly attributed to you. We would not be where we are today with so many of you and for that, we say thank you. We hope that the "Yack in the Box" games will continue to grow and we hope to see each of you back next year where hopefully more PR's will be set. We are currently working on deciphering all of the results and we will post them for you shortly. We apologize in advance for any names that are misspelled...the board got a little messy by the end of the day.

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”

Chris T. 105
Michele 115x1
Steph 200
JZ 225
Jerry 315
Kevin 225
Dorothy 125x1
Mike B 365
Gina 65
Jen S ?
Mike H 365
Nicole 205
Curtin 225
Lisa 225
Mirada 225
Chris S 355
Laura P 135
Jim C 355
Rob 285x3
Eric 135x3
John 475x1
Kerry 195x3
Joe 405x2
Mike F 345x3

Lvl 2 WOD:

The Hulk

Bruce Banner
4 Rds
4 sprints
250 m row
25 Double Unders

Transformation into hulk
25 Burpees

The Hulk
4 Rds
4 Squat Cleans into thtusters 80% bodyweight
20 clapping push-ups
4 broad jumps (at least one mat length)

Transformation back to Bruce Banner
25 Burpees


Sam - #165 (27:50)
Swine #135 (28:50)


  1. Aimee, let me know if you need help deciphering. I have a good idea of what things said. Congrats again! It was a awesome day!!

  2. I'm super super bummed I missed out on the event :(

    It looks like it was an awesome time and I can't believe how packed it was! Aimee - you have a rockin' box! :)

    And just in case anyone wanted to know - I broke a PR for my 10K! And it's completely because of Crossfit, seeing as I didn't really train that hard and my longest run was 5 miles before race day.

    Clock Time: 54:17
    Chip Time: 52:28
    Overall Place: 770/5370
    Gender Place: 234/3322
    Division Place: 71/747
    Pace: 8:27

    So I'm super stoked!

    Kit - didn't get a chance to see you or your dad :( how did you guys do!?

  3. Jen S- that's a solid cruising pace for 6.2 miles, way to go I hope you liked competing.

  4. Congrats Jen S. on your PR in the 10K...Mom Is proud.

  5. Congrats Jen!

    Will there be something posted about the halloween party and WOD?

  6. Jen S.---congrats! And to Kit and Steve as well!

    Yep, Miranda, I'll post the details about the Halloween party WOD tonight! Halloween party WOD is scheduled for Friday 10/30....


  7. Congrats Kit Congrats Steve!!!!!

  8. Glad to see the weekend was a hit!

    Aim/anyone, I've been researching CrossFit Spain online but i thought i'd ask if someone here knows of anyone that would have more information? I'll be in Santander, far north, but have found nothing except for Madrid and maybe Barcelona.

    Also, what kind of jump ropes do we use at the box, brand-wise?


  9. Laura, Tim, Nikki and other endurance athletes

    This is an interesting article on glycogen. Most relevant to you is the last paragraph. It reminds me when you guys were eating some bread for long runs; there is also a link at the very end of the article for you.


  10. Great job Jen, awesome times!

  11. Good Job Today at 630 I got to see some stong lifts today 2 guys over 400 and Kerry did great @195 (It must be that Nittany Air) Great job 630

  12. Thanks everyone!

    I just stayed at 135# for deadlift tonight - practicing form.
