
W.O.D. 9.28.09
5 Rounds for Max reps of:
Thrusters (65#/95#)
Your score is the total reps for both exercises for all 5 rounds.

10/2 CFKoP outing...location TBD. Ideas are welcome.
10/8 Open Gym $10
10/12 Bridge opening!!!
10/15 Yoga $10
10/18 Upper Merion Fit Fest
10/24 Grand Opening
10/30 CFKoP Halloween Celebration

CrossFit Generation (PA) on "Confidence, Character, and Mental Toughness": Read.

Looking for something to do in Philly...click here for some ideas.

"Life is an echo -- what you send out comes back."
- Unknown

Chris S. 95# 104
Sam B. 65# 135
Jeff 95# 102
Nicole 65# 86
Gina 40# 99
Steph V. 45# 156
Curin 65# 108
Kel 55# 92
Patti 55# 82
Shawn 95# 135
Nikki 65# 181
Kristin 65# 97
Kara 35# 84
Chris T. 35# 111
Cate 65# 148
Jason 95# 115
Miranda 65# 106
Laura 65# 114
Tim P. 95# 158
Mike F. 95# 93
Rob 95# 149
Jill 65# 48
Maura 15#
Liz 55# 92
Joe A. 95# 93

Level 2 WOD:
One barbell = #115/#75

21 Box Jumps
15 Thrusters
9 Burpees
15 Clean & Jerks
21 Push Ups
15 Overhead squats
9 Ring Dips
15 Hang Power Cleans
21 Pull Ups

Repeat back down but only do 1 set of 21 Pull Ups.


Sam 20:12
Lisa 30:55
Aimee 18:58
Paul 29:48
Hannah 34:44


  1. Are all 5 rounds done consecutively or is there time between each round?

  2. How bout reeds for the outing...not sure what band is playing that night, but the live music is nice :-)

  3. Rest about 2-5 minutes between rounds.

  4. KoP is in severe need of a dive bar. Does anyone remember Pitcher's in Manayunk before it was closed down due to selling alcohol to minors and a list of other infractions? We are only talking 4-5 years ago and a pitcher cost 3 DOLLARS!!! A PITCHER!!!! At most bars I have been at in KoP, you get a pint for over 3 dollars. Lets go find a dive bar and make it ours. I sure need one.

  5. My dad is a retired fire chief at Swedesburg Fire Co. I grew up at the fire house...which has a bar. :)
    Bottled beer for $1.25, mixed drinks for no more than $2. Can't beat it.
    I have turned many of my friends into members and going to the firehouse is a regular occassion and much preferred over a 'non-dive' bar.

    It's also less than 5 minutes from the box.

    Memberships are $15...

  6. Jason,
    There may be no "dive" bars in King of Prussia, but there are a bunch in Bridgeport. All are little local bars that have been open for years. I stay away from them because I will always run into a parent or former student. Some of them are pretty good places to get a bite to eat. I will give the names tonight.

  7. I personally prefer Fox and Hound or Champs or someplace like that dive bars have to much riff raff.

  8. my parents place can be classified as a dive, but dont tell them I said that! Its a corner bar with locals and cheap drinks and good food. They would love to have you there.

  9. chicks in Bridgeport is a good dive bar. Screwballs in KOP is a good dive bar. I heart Guppy's. Just enuff is another place. LOL

  10. chick's on fourth street---doesn't get any better!

  11. Nicole!!!!! As I innocently surf the web to see what these fine establishments have to offer, I finally come to Just Enuff.......Just Enuff to make a Jarhead blush!

  12. Chicks has the best food of the bars in Bridgeport and the bar is big enough for a group of us. If you want real dive Iacovino's. I will not step in there though. I run the risk of running into a student I probably suspended. And I don't mean a student I suspended a few years ago, I mean a student I suspended that day. You could say a younger crowd. By the way my next door neighbor owns Just Enuff if anyone needs to make a little extra cash (Just Kidding of course).

  13. Ray- me and Chris are cracking up right now!!! That is so funny!

  14. Iacovino's = no.
    I've never been, but I heard DeSimone's has really good food too...and I think, can be considered 'dive'.

  15. Desimone's food is good, but the bar is very small.

  16. Miranda - your post is cracking me up!! I definitely think we should do a night at your parents bar! I promise to not tell them you called it a dive :)

  17. Nikki- great job yesterday. You kicked the balls out of that wod!!!

  18. Chicks would be your best bet if you want to stay in the "Port" lol. Iacs, a def no unless you want to reek like a stinky cigg and have people offer you substances! I used to live ontop of Chicks, they have an additon on the back now that you may even be able to reserve. The bar isn't that big but it is the best for the area. Desimones has great food, but the bar is like 4x4. It's a crowd with 2 peeps in there.

  19. Thanks Nicole! I was SUPER impressed with your pullups too... you did awesome!!
