
W.O.D. 9.26.09
Fight Gone Bad IV

3-One Minute Rounds at Each station and one minute rest between rounds

Rowing is measured with calories
Wallball uses a 20lb medicine ball to an 10' target (8’target -14lb for ladies)
SDLHP is done with 75lb barbell (55 for ladies or 53lb KB)
Box Jump uses a 20” tall box standing to full leg extension
Push Press is with a 75lb bar taken from a rack (55 for ladies)
Score the total number of reps and calories for each exercise.

I would like to thank our members and the members of the other local participating CrossFits for raising money for these great causes (Athletes for a Cure and The Wounded Warrior Project). So far our CrossFit King of Prussia team has raised over $1,000, combined with the efforts rest of the participating affiliates in the country, FGBIV has already raised over $800,000! A little contribution from an amazing community of people can add up to make a big difference in the world!

Thank you!!!

At Your Service:Pitch A Fit.
CrossFit in Philly Mag!!!

For the chocolate lovers...Tiffany Watts, food scientist, uses unprocessed ingredients like agave nectar and unroasted cocoa beans...click here to read more.

Wanna be a Wolverine?
...inquire at the box

"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
~Alan Cohen

Ray 197
Sam 298
Aimee 333
Mike B 255
John K 238 (55#/14#)
Tim P. 302
Jeff H. 245
Chris P. 303
Jen S. 196
Lisa 271
Mike F. 237
Kristin 191
Meg 211
Todd 218
Chris 227
Miranda 216
Nikki 265
Jill 238
Fergs 256
Nick 213 (55#/14#)
Jim C. 228
Trisha 211
Cate 156 (2rds)
Granny 258
Jason 262
Laura 256


  1. Kick ass tomorrow everyone! I'll be thinking of you and missing you down here as I hit up CrossFit Pensacola. Wish me luck!

  2. Good luck tomorrow everyone!
    Sorry I can't be there...

    Cindy - represent down there! :)
