
Mike, Kevin and Ray...Front Squat Fun!

W.O.D. 9.24.09
Front Squat

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
5 Med Ball Cleans (14#/20#)
10 Burpees
15 KB Swings (35#/55#)

2 days until Fight Gone Bad IV

Schedule Notes:
Next week starting 9/29/09 we will be adding a Tuesday 9:30AM class.
The following week, starting 10/2/09 we will be adding a Friday 4:30PM class and starting on 10/5/09 will start the Monday 4:30PM Class.
Look for an early Saturday class starting in November.

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

Todd 150x2 5 rds
Lisa 135x3 4 rds
Aimee 155x2 6 rds
Ray 155x2 3 rds
Kevin 135x3 4 rds
Dan 165x3 4 rds
Jim 205x1 4 rds
Mike L.95x1 2 rds


  1. I am very excited about all the new classes. I work a different schedule each week so the more choices there are, the more classes I can make.

  2. I am excited about the 4:30's too! Thanks Aimee! I'm gonna save ALOT of money now that I wont have to "waste time" at Sports Authority waiting for the 5:30 to start! :)

  3. Did this today:
    4 Rounds:
    500m row
    25 L and 25 R one legged step ups
    25 SDLHP
    25 KB Swings
    25 Push ups

  4. Great numbers guys! Looks like the new spot is bringing in some solid stats... Hope everyone kicks some ass in FGB on Saturday!
