
A full house for "ANGIE"...it seems we just move to a new box and have the ability to fill all the bars...immediately!! ...thanks to you!

W.O.D. 9.08.09

100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Air Squats

The 5:30PM and 6:30PM classes will start and end at 1010 DeKalb (the old box).

The 7:30PM Level 2 WOD will start and end at 200 DeKalb (the new box). It will be coached by Tim P. The regular Level 2 WOD's will resume on Monday of next week.

Please post to comments if you will be available, or want to help on Saturday 9/12 for the Upper Merion Community Fair.

Fat Loss 101-Master the basics

"Women who claim to be afraid to train hard because they “always bulk up too much” are often already pretty bulky, or “skinny fat” (thin but weak and deconditioned) and have found another excuse to continue life sitting on their butts."

Aimee 14:30
Jason 24:08
Chris P. 15:20
Jeff 25:10
Tim P. 12:54
JZ 25:55
Jen S. 28:07 (band)
Mike L. 25:15 (50)
Kelly 28:45 (band)
Shawn 27:57
John K 31:06 (band)
Trisha 30:57 (band)
Todd 27:35
Mike B. 31:40
Gina 30:58 (band)
Swine 27:55
Westwood 23:20 (50)
Nikki 23:03
Meg 19:59 (band)
Liz 23:25 (band)
Mike F. 37:46 (20 band)

Level 2 WOD:
6 Rounds for time of:
20 Push Jerk 65/95 (from the rack)
40 Double Unders
20 SDHP 65/95
Paul 35:19 Rx
Aimee 24:07 Rx
Han 23:35 Rx
Lisa 30:31 Rx
Laura 35:05 55#
Sam 20:53