
Kristin and Meg.

Tim and Chris P.


W.O.D. 9.05.09
Workout: “Michael
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Sit-ups

1) We will be closed Sunday, Sept 6th and Monday, Sept 7th for the Labor Day holiday.
2) Classes will resume on Tuesday, the Level 2 Class will be held Tuesday night at 7:30PM, Tim P. will be teaching (his first Demo class).
3) Next Thursday September 10th is Yoga with Jen Fugo from 6PM-7:30PM.
4) Saturday September 12 we will be taking part in the Upper Merion Community Fair, details to follow.
5) Keep your fingers crossed for a possible move next Sunday September 13th!!!

Besides pride, loyalty, discipline, heart, and mind, confidence is the key to all the locks.
-Joe Paterno

Chris P. 15:32
Sam 21:20
Tim P. 16:03
Jeff 23:04
Lisa 21:42
Meg 24:11
Kristin 28:03
Cindy 24:37
Laura 18:20
Jill 26:08
Tom 36:05
Kate 22:42


  1. All those meal pictures are awesome! Who needs starch and sugar when you can eat this stuff? I may have to do me up some low carb tacos using large lettuce leaves for taco shells. Throw in some ground organic turkey, buffalo, or venison and some homemade guacamole and red hot salsa. I am also gong to have to experiment with a no sugar margarita mix using fresh lime and orange juice and maybe stevia. If that fails, then shots will just have to do!!


    We just got back from Costco where we got two 3 lb. bags of raw almonds. Once home, I baked about one lb. in the oven for 8 minutes on 350 degrees. Then I added them slowly to a blender (setting on low). Once in, I had to shake it around and use a spoon to keep an air pocket from forming, but after about 5 minutes, it was churning by itself. Another 5 minutes later, homemade (and cheaper!) almond butter!

    *if you do this, don't get frustrated if it is taking long. The almonds will turn into a powder at first and then the oils need to come out and play. Once they do, it will start looking more like almond butter and then it's up to you as to how chunky or smooth you want it.

    **I like to use chopped up almonds as a substitute for bread crumbs in recipes. Most recently, eggplant parmesan.

  3. Both sound good to me! I put a post up that we should have a Crossfit KOP No Sugar Challenge Cookbook. When it comes to this type of cooking and eating I am pretty boring so any good recipes I would love to try.

  4. Sam, love the thumbs up...looks like everyone is kicking some ass! If any1 is in NYC feel free to give me a ring and I'll get you into the black box and we'll make some sweat angels like good ol' times!

  5. Ray,

    Kristin and I just took your idea of salad wraps for the tacos. Amazing, plus more filling! I think this is how In-n-Out burger does their "protein burger" out in Cali...

  6. i love the cookbook idea!!! i struggle sometimes for creative meals!
