
What would you choose? How is the challenge going? We are over 1/2 way through the month...is it getting easier? How are you feeling?


  1. Definitely getting easier. I do feel an increase in my energy after school. I am not as run down as I use to be.

  2. I'd pick C.

    I'm explaining to the ladies at work about the challenge. Kristin and I have found some really good substitutes for "carb" things like almond banana muffins, coconut pancakes, and cauliflower pizza (thanks Evan!). Almond butter has also been a savior.

    Also, I did the math and in the last 30 days I have run 6.375 miles in workouts and probably another 1-2 miles in warming up. So, it will be interesting to run the ING half marathon Sunday. My motivation to finish fast is so that I can come to the 10pm wod.

  3. check that, 10AM wod. (although a night wod would be cool)

    Nikki is also running Sunday but as a "leisurely warmup" to her marathon

  4. B without question. It is pseudo zoned. I would guess that there was initially more protein and it would make sense to only eat half of the bread. The oil is a good fat source. All the components are there. Not ideal by any means but they are still all there.

    Just remember that a quarter pounder with cheese is a perfectly zoned 5 block meal. :)

  5. I think I was eating too few calories. Got really frustrated after I felt weak at push presses wednesday, and my last 2 long runs didn't go so hot. So the last 2 days I was rebelling and didn't eat very well... I'm gonna try to find a happy medium and get back on the bandwagon.! I think, for long run purposes, I need to add some oatmeal back in. Scale of 1 to 10 how bad is that?!? No sugar, just slow cooked oats, water, and some cinnamon

  6. After this mornings WOD, I'm gonna start with meal C and then start on meal A. Make no mistake about it, if there's any room left over I'll start on B (beer first:)

  7. Nikki,
    We can figure your BMR and tell weather your eating enough. Can you send me an e-mail instead of working thru this on the blog?
    Do you have my e-mail???

  8. I would pick C, with the fat coming from the avacado, carbs from the veggies, and protein from the chicken. Looks fairly zoned to me.

    I think its getting easier halfway through, the hardest part is eating at other people's house or going out to eat since its much harder to control and really KNOW what you're eating then. I'm def noticing the change in my body, but I agree with Nikki combining long runs with this diet has made my runs suck, so I have to figure out how to get some grain before a long run so that it gives me that immediate burst of energy to use on the run. Nikki have you tried eating oatmeal or even half piece of 'good' bread with almond butter before your run to see how that impacts you?

  9. Evan - I don't think I have it. I'm
    at Nicole.sieller@gmail.com. It's really hard to figure out how many calories to eat when one day I take completely off exercising and the next I do xfit and the next I run for 3.5 hours! Ugh.

  10. I'd go with meal C, primarily because it looks as if it's well balanced, with good protein, and looks like the most amount of food too. I am certainly not distance running like some ("slow/long" as CFEndurance calls it), but my training includes shorter more intense runs at a quicker pace. I've noticed that nutritionally I'm needed more calories, which is perfectly fine as long as I'm still keeping them balanced with lots and lots of fruits/veggies/nuts, and meats and cheeses. This really breaks down into 3-5 actual small meals per day and lots of grazing in-between. Grazing is nice because it keep the energy up in between meals and then I feel like I'm eating enough because I'm less hungry throughout the day. Mooo

  11. Laura,
    I have a friend here at work who is running a marathon soon. We are going to try an experiment for his next long training run. Instead of packing the quick energy carbs, we are going to try a coconut milk instead. The idea being that cocnut fat is a medium chain fatty acid that has the ability to bypass the normal process of having to be broken down before use. This type of fat goes right to the liver and is ready for use as energy. Works in theory anyway, I'll let you know how it plays out.

  12. B because it has BEER! As Homer Simpson would say "MMMMMMMMMMM BEEEER"

  13. evan can you post your email to the blog site so we can have it again? I think I need it too....

  14. I like C. That would def by my first choice. Actually...it kind of looks like my dinner this week anyway!

    MMMM...avacodo..... :) Plus I like the "cherry" on top ;)

    I don't eat red meat, so I wouldn't even blink at A.

    B. looks like my dinner (minus the beer) when I had no food in the house and was sad all the time :(

  15. Jen,

  16. I like A or C.....I love me a good cow sometimes!

    I am by no means perfect in this challenge, but I have worked things out of my diet that were a normal occurrence. I have purposely worked in a differnt meal or snack to see how I felt or worked out....

    I have also got back in touch my body's hunger cues - if that makes sense. I crave different things....and have found what works for me as a primal/paleo sub!
