
We now have Paleokits for Sale at CFKoP!!!
“Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar.”
Paleokits are gluten free, balanced macro-nutrient snack food that you can eat on the go. Paleokits aren't just good food, they're measured in Zone™ proportions with the extra fat blocks that Crossfitters need.
Free-Range Beef Jerky
Marinated in a home-grown recipe of sea-salt, pepper, paprika, garlic, and a few other spices. Please note: Our meat is not sugar-cured and contains no preservatives.
Macadamia Nuts
Raw Almonds
Raw Pecans
Dried Cranberries
Dried Strawberries
All of the profits from Paleokit sales go to Steve's Club in Camden, NJ.

W.O.D. 7.22.09
50 Double Unders
then 3 Rds of :
5 Clean and Jerks 135/95
7 Chest 2 Bar Pullups
and then
50 Double Unders

"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”

Ed 135# 11:05 Sub SU/Green Band
Liz 60# 10:53 Green Band
Swine 135# 7:23 Rx
Aimee 105# 5:38 Rx
Sam 155# 8:53 Rx
Hannah 105# 9:43
Meg 65# 9:57 Sub SU/Blue Band
Tom 135# 9:58 Sub SU
Lisa 105# 13:24
Tim P. 135# 7:57
Joe D. 115 13:58 Sub SU Blue Band
Dave 105 16:27 Black Band
Mike F. 135# 14:15
Dan 135# 8:05 Rx
Kevin 100# 10:30 Blue Band
Jason 155 7:14 Rx
Steph 95/75 14:34
Kelly 65# 11:37 Sub SU
Jon 105# 14:44 (first double unders!!!) congrats!
Pat 15# 9:53
Miranda 95# 13:26
Nikki 85# 8:08
Nicole 70# 13:55 Sub SU
Tim M. 185# 9:35
Mike B. 135# 11:31
Shawn 135# 13:44 Rx
Chris S. 135# 13:00 Sub SU
Chu Chu 65# 9:14
KuKu 35#
Maggy 35#


  1. tanya did this wod! but she used the men's weight. one day i will get there! whew.

  2. yep, you got it Han!! One day?, how about tomorrow?

    Pretty sure her time was like mid 5 mins...like 5:25 or something!

  3. Hopefully the guy upstairs is awake early tomorrow. Nothing like a 6am alarm of 135lb barbells dropping on the floor.

  4. Aimee, how much are the paleokits?

  5. aim, your form was phenomenal today. you set a very good example. no 135# today, but surely we will get there!

  6. If we use 95#, is that still rxd weight? I see all the ladies were using 105#....I can't hang with that weight

  7. thanks Han- you did awesome as well! quicker elbows and no jump back on the clean should get you to 135# in WOD's!

    Miranda-95# ladies and 135# men and C2B pullups is Rx for this WOD.

    All-Swine scoured all the Targets in the area and came back with 24 spanking new Jump Ropes...they should keep us Double-undering (is that a word) for awhile.

    Next week we will start the 100 Double under Challenge. Who's in? 100 Days each day building by one...day one 1 DU.. day two 2 DUs...day 3 3 DUs...4...up to 100 each day. DU's must be strung together, you get as many attempts on that day as possible to get them done. You can complete them at home since not everyone comes to the gym every day. Honor system will apply.

  8. Okay Meg-athletes choice 100 burpee challenge,100 double under challenge or 100 pull-up challenge.

  9. awesome! Great job Swine!

    Can we sign up for the challenge at the box?

  10. I'd be in for a 100 burpee challenge! Swine, we love you!!!!!

  11. i should probably do all 3 challenges. i could use work in all :/ count me in.

    paul, woo hooo!! love those ropes! thanks :)

  12. Han - we still owe Jason 10 burpees!

  13. Ill take the 100 double unders challenge any day. Id rather have a root canal without novacaine than do 100 burpees. :)

  14. I'll join han with all 3 of those challenges. Don't forget the buy in piece...if you feel like joining the challenge, you have to do the sum of all the burpees, pullups, DU's up to that day in a single sitting.

    I did today's WOD at my gym at TBS. The bar i went to do kipping on was 20 feet outside the gym from where i was doing the cleans...lets just say i got locked out the first time and was banging on the door for a good 15 seconds or so.... anyway my time was 6:30 Rx'd.

    holla back!
