
W.O.D. 7.26.09
Turkish Get-ups (10L/R_8L/R_4L/R))
Dumbbell/Kettlebell Thrusters
(weight selected based on ability)

by Jeff Martone

"A man is literally what he thinks."
-James Allen

Aimee 19:45 25#
Doug 14:50 35#
Jim C. 21:25 35#
Lisa 19:28 25#
Meg 19:15 15#
Scott 18:06 35#/30#
Sam 14:42 45#
Swine 25:21 40#
Ed 29:26 30#
Jen S. 18:49 15#/20#
Granny 17:42 25#
Tom 18:28 25#/35#
Mike B. 16:20 35#/40#


  1. To prepare for the 100 DU challenge, I decided to do warm up with a 2.5 mile run and then did Annie:

    New PR for me...11:02
    100 is def. going to be a challenge!

  2. Awesome Miranda! A long run and then a burner with Annie AND a PR. I love it!

    Did some WODs at home myself:

    5 Rounds (3 min between rounds)
    Max Reps BW Bench Press (190#)
    Max Reps Pull Ups (all dead hang)
    Total Reps: 68 BP / 27 PU

    Then did a modified version of today's WOD:
    TGU's w/ 20 DB (half R / half L)
    DB Thrusters w/ 20# DBs
    Time: 39:10

    Finished w/ 2K Row
    First 500 M all out. Time 1:38
    Finished 2K in 8:28

    The TGU WOD was devasting even with a 20# DB and splitting the reps L/R. I tried my 35# KB for a few reps but it was too much for that number of reps. I dropped the weight and focused on form rather than time. I was still a dripping puddle of sweat when I was done. The worst was the carpet burns on my knees!! A tremendous core workout.

  3. Did you folks do 21R & 21L, etc. for the TGU's or did you do a total of 21? If you did the posted reps L&R with those weights and times, then my hat is off. It took me forever as it was.

  4. Ray- we did 20-16-8... 10L/R_8L/R_4L/R and then the full reps for KB.
