
CrossFit is scalable for all ages!!!
Steve started at CrossFit KoP with little ability to squat to even a 25" box (3 times), now he's squatting to a 13" box (ALOT of times), Deadlifting, swinging Kettlebells, flipping tires, carrying sandbags and much, much more. Oh, and my favorite story, he can now get up out of his favorite chair without help!!! Gotta love it gang, that's what functional exercising is all about!

W.O.D. 7.24.09
for time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
*Exercises are completed in that order and athletes must complete all 100 reps of each exercise before moving to the next exercise. For new CrossFitters reps will be scaled to either 25 or 50 reps depending on level and ability.

(...believe me we are not supporting "Cankles Awareness Month" but I find this article amusing and hope you all do as well!! At best read the blue box on the bottom left and check out the old school terminology!)

Read/Sign Up:
5K Radnor Red Run
Running over hurdles, water pits, and cross country trails - you won't want to miss it.


"Commit to be fit."

Sam 15:48
Paul 20:12
Lisa 23:43
Scott 17:06
Shawn 29:45
Mike B. 30:46
Jim C. 30:40
Kristin (green) 29:43
Liz (green) 27:56
Meg (blue) 25:34
James (black) 45:03
Joe A. 36:49
Devin 44:06
Han 56:24
Tim M. 40:00
Dan 23:24
Ed (green) 42:17
Pat (50 black) 24:20
Nikki 32:40
Jen S. (blue) 27:05
Charlie 28:08
Tim P. 11:48
Laura 15:48
Josh 12:03
Cindy (green) 22:34
Jeff 21:40
Steph (green) 31:56
Tanny Granny 24:53
Miranda 32:20
John (50 black) 22:42


  1. Way to lead the way Steve!

    Did the Thursday WOD tonight. Used my 20" Box and 35 lb KB.
    Time: 22:33

    Hope to get there at noon or after work for Annie.

    Can dudes get cankles?

  2. Not sure how early I can sneak outta work tomorrow, but I'll def be there by 1 to leave for CT. Hoping to get there earlier to do part or all of Angie...!

  3. Great job Steve! You also looked pretty awesome running that 200 when we were leaving!

  4. Way to go Steve! It is easy to see the huge physcial changes that you are making. Keep up the good work.

    Nice time Sammy. I may have edged you out in the last WOD but there is no way I can take you in this one. Good job!

  5. The dedication of Han and Dev to perservere through this WOD as Rxd in the Noon class was amazing, congrats ladies and to everyone who gave it their all today!job well done!

  6. Ladies and Gents, if anyone is bored on Sunday, there will be a 7's Rugby tournament going on in Phoenixville. I manage the Philly team (neuro hasn't cleared me to play yet, silly concussions). Games go from about 11am-5pm, and the information can be found at http://www.citybased7s.com/. The first post below the video has info and a link to the directions. You can also call or text me - 610-462-5222 (that number better not show up on bathroom walls ;-)

    I also wanted to give a shout to Hannah today, physical pain has nothing on her!

  7. Angie at home: 42:29 RX

    First time RX. Kept good form. Pull ups were dead hang and took forever (about 18:00).

    Angie is such a bitch. My hat is off to some of the times in the box. Those sub 20 times are amazing, and Tim P that time is nearing super human. Nice job.
