
2009 Concert Under the Stars...
Remember we offer Free Intro Sessions for anyone new to CrossFit.
How could you resist, call or email today!!

W.O.D. 7.20.09
CrossFit Total

1 RM on Back Squat, Press, Deadlift.
Total weight for all three lifts is the score.
(compare to 4.10.09)
Click here to read the Journal article regarding CrossFit Total.
Click here to read the basic strength standards for men and women.

"Training is a process, not the events of one day."
Coach Mark Rippetoe

Miranda 495
JZ 575
Jeff 600
Lisa 495
Kelly 325
CP 485
Kristin 385
Charlie Y. 845
Brian 675
Ed 605
Paul 675
Devin 650
Shawn 715
Jen S. 395
Meg 365
Jill 380
Liz 315
Mike B. 930
Tim M. 1065
Joe A. 1020
Chris 805
John K. 715
Nick 505


  1. nice sign! a wonderful person must have made that beauty!!!

  2. And the spelling correct!

  3. if you are attempting to make fun of spelling, you should at least make sure your sentence is grammatically correct. :)

    Mrs. "And the spelling correct!"

  4. CFT

    SP - 135
    BS - 255
    DL - 355 (pr)

    total: 745

  5. Nice job Chris P. and everyone for the solid CFTotals!! Strong effort!

    Great Deadlift performance from:
    Devin with a DL of 305 x1
    Tim M. with a DL of 475 x1

    Tim M., Joe A, and Mike B...I promise I will order some more steel plates so we can get up to 500 w/ out the addition of KB's and DB's taped on the bumpers.

  6. All I can say is that 505 is friggin heavy. Quite the humbling experience.
