
Nicole Gordon CrossFit Games 2009
Nicole Gordon came in second at the Mid-Atlantic regional qualifier and I had the honor of getting to know her even better at the Level 2 Certification in Montclair NJ. Nicole, mother of 2 and her husband Jeremy own CrossFit Hampton Roads in Virginia. During the CrossFit Games, Nicole smashed her finger on the stake during the fourth event. She finished the event in spite of the pain and blood, and was treated by medical. It appeared she had fractured the finger, so she was sent to the ER. X-rays revealed no fracture, so she raced back to compete in the final event of the day. Congratulations on an amazing performance Nicole!! You are a true inspiration!

W.O.D. 7.20.09
7 Rounds
10 Med Ball Cleans
10 Perfect Push-ups
(bad form will not tolerated)

Free Seminar:

Monday August 3rd 7:30-9:30PM - "Sugar Blues" (Figure out why you crave sweets, understand why and gain control without deprivation.)
All are welcome, CrossFit KoP members, non-members, neighboring affiliates or blog followers. Barbara Paolone, Certified Holistic Health Counselor will be offering a free seminar on Monday August 3rd at CFKoP. The Level 2 WOD which normally occurs on Monday August 3rd will be moved to Tuesday August 4th at 7:30 to accommodate our guest speaker.

August 29th - 30thCrossFit Running & Endurance Sports Training CertificationCrossFit Blauer Tactical, Virginia Beach, VA


"A Day at the CrossFit Games" by Spencer Hall - Sporting News

"There is no such thing as 'firming' and 'tone' there is only stronger and weaker."
-Coach Mark Rippetoe

Gina 10 13:10
Dan 20 8:21
Kevin 20 9:10
Pat 4 12:50
Aimee 20 5:01
Steph 14 9:22
Dev 20 10:21
Tim P. 20 4:32
Kel 10 8:24
Jon 20 8:14
Jeff 20 7:39
CP 14 6:23
ChuChu 14 8:25
Laura 18 7:00
Miranda 18 9:39
Takudzwa 8:11
Kristin 14 9:54
Jen S. 14 8:07
Nick 14 11:11
Chris S. 20 8:34
Nicole 14 8:07
Chris F. 20 7:23
Jill 18 7:43

Level 2 WOD:
1. Hang C&J (115#/75#) 20 Reps
2. Thrusters (115#/75#) 20 Reps
3. Hang Snatch (115#/75#) 20 Reps
4. Push-ups 20 Reps
5. Pull-ups 20 Reps
6. Wallballs 14/20 to 10 ft target 20 Reps
Replace the blanks below with an exercise from the sequence (1-6) above, you choose the order...but there is a 10 burpee 'buy in' every time you put down the bar/ball or your feet or knees touch the ground in the push-up/pull-up.
___Sprint to "11"___200M Run___400M Run___800M Run___400M Run___Sprint to "11"
Level 2 WOD

Aimee 30:48
Jason 34:49
Lisa 37:05
Joe A. 43:28
Swine 46:20
Tim M. 48:19


  1. Did Griff this morning at a local track.


  2. I did this workout at school today. I subbed 65lb barbell squat cleans for the med ball. 13:46

  3. I'm in Lancaster PA this week for work... did a couple of workouts at the hotel:

    5 rounds for time:
    5 Handstand Pushup
    15 Double Unders
    10 Push Press w/ 25# DB
    20 Situps
    Time: 10:55

    5 rounds for time:
    20 squats
    20 double unders
    Time: 5:30

    Aimee I got the OK from my boss to head out around noon on Friday, so I will pick you/Swine/Scott up around 1pm!

  4. mainsite 5k at the Radnor Trail


    then 10 standing jumps on a wall there (measured it afterwards and it is 45" high)

  5. Just want to take responsibility for the lack of concentration when counting for Tim Pappas. I MESSED UP and thought the WOD was 5 rds for time. Tim Pappas was counting on me and I screwed up. Sorry Tim and I promise I will do better next time.

  6. just had to say that my hub came up with a kick ass level 2 workout! I am so proud of him for putting up exercises that he knew would be challenging for himself. see everyone next week finally! i have a feeling it might be a metcon night! anything is better than class! anything!

  7. Paul- Aimee counted this morning when I re-visited the WOD. no worries.

  8. aimee...whats sprint to "11"?
