
"GRANNY" with some solid core control on the rings!

W.O.D. 7.6.09
10 Rounds for time of:
5 Paralette or Ring Push ups
7 Wall Balls (14#/20#)
12 Kettle bell swings (35#/55#)
7 KB Sumo deadlift High Pulls (35#/55#)
5 Burpees

Libby DiBiase - C2B Fran... [wmv] [mov]
Sevan Matossian caught up with Dave Castro at the Ranch, and interviewed him about programming for Games' athletes.
Watch a preview of Sevan's interview ... [wmv] [mov]

Click here to find the schedule for the week. The following classes will be cancelled for the week, Thursday July 9th at 12:00 Noon, Friday July 10th at 12:00 Noon, Monday July 13th at 9:30 AM. All other classes will operate as normal...

"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
-Aldous Huxley

Mike F. 26:18
Devin 20:19
Nikki 24:20
CP 22:50
Dave 33:32
Tom 32:11
Pat 22:45 (5 rds)
Jen B. 26:22
Meg 18:22
Jeff 29:49
Jon 26:45
Kelly 27:40
Curin 24:30
Miranda 26:40
Steph 27:33
Kristin 29:59
Jim C. 33:54
Ed 33:39
Laura 21:50
Tim P. 19:54
Granny 18:27
Nicole 26:08
Jen S. 27:24
Nick 30:30 (8 rds)
Cindy 29:22

Level 2 WOD (courtesy of Doug):
1 RM Snatch Results:
Aimee 105
Joe 155
Jason 140
Doug 165
Sam 155
Lisa 95
Tim 165
Mike 130
Paul 125
Duration at each station was the entire length of a random slect song...when the country music played burpees were completed. Number of total reps is the score at the end.
Exercises were:
Muscle ups
Squat Clean 135/95
KB Swing 70/55
Deadlift 225/155
C2B pullups
Row (calories)
Ring Dips
L-sit (seconds)
Thrusters 135/95


Sam 307
Jason 214
Mike 214
Aimee 210
Doug 186
Tim 136
Joe ??
Lisa ??


  1. From Primal Fitness in DC:

    Heavy Chin-up: 3-3-3-3-3-3

    Dead Lift: 3-3-3-3-3
    Warup: 115, 135, 185, 225
    275, 295, 315, 325, 345- New 3 rep max

    My last 1 rep max was 352 two months ago.

    Hope everyone is recovering well from Saturday's 4th of July celebration whether it be your quads or your liver, you should be feeling a bit better by now.

    I have heard Aimee say this before, but I want to reiterate, NOT ALL CROSSFIT GYMS ARE CREATED EQUAL. While they all have their own personality, it is definitely a reflection of their owners and trainers. People may train hard at all of these gyms, but there is nothing like an organized class, with a family/team oriented mentality. This goes from the warmup to the beers you throw back after the workout.

    So let me say this, and Doug, I think you'll appreciate this (for those of you who remember his sappiness back when Aimee was getting her level 2 cert):

    Thank you. Thank you everyone at the gym for kicking ass, pushing hard, and making the gym a great family. Aimee, thank you for being the mama to this amazing gym. You've done good kid.

    I hope to see you all soon.

    Doug, you can get your tissues out now. Or just do 10 burpees for each tear.

  2. I dragged myself through this one at home tonight. I was about as motivated as a sloth on Oxycontin today. The aftermath of a 4 day weekend.

    Time: 29:27

    Pathetic time, but I guess anything that gets the heart rate going between 150 and 165 BPM for 30 minutes is a good thing.

    Nice PR on the deads Kit!!

  3. Dev, nice time for day 6. get some rest, i'll need you for some wods in the future!

    kit, nice deads. we miss you around here!

    granny, those arms are f-ing sexy!

  4. Aimee,

    I only got 155 on the power snatch not 185. Doug got 165 I believe.

  5. Kit- Solid DL Work!!Thanks for the love fest...we miss having you around the box, but Doug managed to bring us some love tonight in the form of an oh so special WOD.

    Doug- WOD was great! Awesome idea!

    Joe- Got cha covered, the 5 looked like an 8 on the board...next time 185, right?

  6. Jen - you look great go Grannie go!

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