
W.O.D. 7.4.09
Happy 4th of July!!!
Mid-Atlantic Regional Qualifier WOD's and 4th of July party!

--Row 2 kilometers for time.

--Three rounds for time of 10 deadlifts (275 pounds for men, 185 for women) and 50 double-unders.

--For time: Run 400 meters, 21 overhead squats (95/65), 21 box jumps (24 inches/20 inches); run 400 meters, 15 overhead squats, 15 box jumps; run 400 meters, 9 overhead squats, 9 box jumps.

--For time: 21-15-9 reps of Squat Snatch (95/65), Chest to bar pull-ups

We will start running WOD's at 10:30 AM and approximately 30 minutes to an hour after that (or as people arrive) until 2:00PM, it's your choice which WOD's you would like to attempt and when. You have the option to complete as many WOD's as you like...or as few. See how you stack up to some of the athletes that qualified to go to Aromas at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Qualifier.

At 2:00PM we will have a 4th of July Party.
We let Whole Foods do some of our catering this time around... $25 all you can eat... or if you prefer to you are welcome to bring your own food and drink.

Results from the Mid Atlantic Regional Qualifier:

"The greatest lesson we can learn from the past...is that freedom is at the core of every successful nation in the world."
- Frederick Chiluba

WOD 1 Results:
Mike M. 6:57
Aimee 8:39
Scott 7:11
Paul 7:15
Tim M. 7:08
Mike F. 8:08
Mike B. 8:03
Jeff 8:40
Cindy 9:52
Chris S. 7:39
Tom 8:09
Nick 7:27
Jason 7:28
Hannah 8:37

WOD 2 Results:
Mike M. 5:34 Rxd
Aimee 5:31 Rxd
Nicole 7:08 115# singles
Mike F. 7:23 275# singles
Paul 7:36 Rxd
Scott 8:03 275# singles
Devin 10:26 Rxd
Meg 6:19 115# singles
Nikki 7:34 135#
Hannah 8:26 Rxd
Jason 7:45 Rxd
Mike B. 9:40 Rxd
Chris P. 6:07 225# singles
Nick 6:10 singles
Cindy 12:47 155# singles
Tim M. 8:48 Rxd
Kristin 7:40 95# singles

WOD 3 Results:
Mike M. 10:25 Rxd
Aimee 10:28 Rxd
Jeff 14:07 75#
Jason 11:49 Rxd
Laura 12:18 55#
Tim P. 9:37 Rxd
Scott 10:26 85#
JZ 12:37 75#
Tom 13:36 55#
Meighan 11:55 40#
Nick 15:00 (185 power clean sub)
Chris P. 11:19 75#
Paul 10:50 Rxd
Nikki 11:15 35#
Steph 13:27 45#
Kristin 18:21 35#

WOD 4 Results:
Jason 17:22 Rxd
Scott 10:113 65#
Chris P. 10:39 55#
Steph 11:38 35#
Paul 12:43 Rxd
Joe 25:30 Rxd
Nikki 10:13 35#
Tim P. 7:14 65#
Laura 11:03 35#
Meighan 8:27 35#/blue
Aimee 9:28 Rxd
Sam 8:25 Rxd


  1. so who's gonna step up and do all of the WOD's?? Happy Fourth of July. Sorry i wont be able to make it. Enjoy your time! Hit it hard.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I got sent this video by Ray I think this shows a quality meaning of why we celebrate the 4th of July So please thank a veteran for the sacrifices that they have made to make our country free for our everyday lives. Without them we would not be graced with such freedoms


  4. 3 WODs at home:

    WOD #3: Scaled to 45# bar & 20" Box. Time: 18:15

    Strength WOD:
    3 X 10 Body weight Bench Press
    3 X 10 40# Cable Flys
    50 Sit Ups
    15 Pull Ups
    50 Sit Ups
    15 Pull Ups
    Time: 19:30

    WOD #1: Time: 7:45 New PR?

    See you this week.

  5. hannah wod #1 8:37 :)

  6. There were a huge amount of athletes who stepped up and did 3 and even all 4 WOD's in one day...and not to mention in the span of 4 hours.

    We had an amazing turn out and I commend everyone who came out gave 110% leaving nothing on the table! A job well done and some new PR's set.

    Awesome job everyone, look for another day like this in the near future...
