
Tomorrow there is NO regular class, ONLY the Keystone Affiliate Challenge II.
A Few Notes:
The Deadlift Scale weight will be
225# Mens/155# Ladies
135# Mens /95# Ladies
*no weight in between, you will be asked to select one of these options upon check in.

We will NEED counters so please make yourself available and withhold the standards stated.

Please bring your patience and be alert we have about 70 athletes to get through the individual WOD.

Directions from CFKoP driveway to the auxiliary parking lot:

1) Turn left out of parking lot onto DeKalb Street (go 400 feet)
2) Turn right onto 9th Street (go 200 feet)
3) Turn right on Green Street (go 500 feet)
4) Slight right (merge) onto Ford Street (go 30 feet)
5) Look for signs for Cookies Corvettes and Signature Audio Systems on your LEFT


  1. Gonna be a blast!

    Hey, if you are a swimmer and like Guiness, then you will love this video. I am sure Meighan will. This guy is my hero.


  2. If you all have coolers please bring them tonight so we can use them to transport ice in the morning.

  3. Man tomorrow is gonna be a good time. I hope I don't sprain my wrist or ankle between now and tomorrow.

  4. Joe A. way to get that kip down! I'm sooo proud!

  5. Thanks Aimee it just clicks after a while

  6. Looks like Im gonna have to work tomorrow. I wont be attending. I really wish I could. All of you guys will be in my thoughts. Sorry I cannot attend.


  7. Priceless, Ray! MMMM...Guiness

  8. Meg, Nicole, Jen, Jason, Paul, Sam, CP, Devin, Mike F., Miranda...thanks for dropping food/tables/chairs off and helping set up for tomorrow! You all rock! The event will run like a well oiled machine now!
