
Lisa 165/95/90 - 39:24
Sam 225/170/140 - 21:04
Mike M. 255/170/130 - 26:46
Doug 245/175/135 - 37:38
Kit 280/170/140 - 27:38
Aimee 175/95/90 - 27:39

Level 2 WOD-"LINDA" aka the three bars of death

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight

Note the expressions on all of our faces... they speak volumes for the level of mental and physical intensity and strength needed to get through this WOD. I commend you all for a fantastic performance!


  1. Thanks Mike for riding my ass until I beat Aimee by 1 second! Booya!

  2. Great job last guys! Strong work from everyone. Doug, your form was amazing through out the entire WOD! You guys ROCK!

  3. Wow, great job guys and girls. I got to get moving on my weight loss goal so I can some day try this one.

  4. This WOD was inspiring to see. Thanks for posting the pictures Aimee. Awesome work everyone!

  5. love it! way to get through that wod! can't wait to do it with tim next open gym!

    crossfit on the beach with the fam
    100 burpees in the sand
    han 8:51
    dale(b-in-law) 9:12
    tim 14:47

    10 squats 100m 10 pu 100m AMRAP in 15 mins
    rachel(sis) 7

  6. Awesome job everyone. The looks on you faces is priceless. Sam and Mike look they just gave birth to those med balls!!!

    Also, props for the fashionable footwear: Kit with rough out combat athletic shoes, Aimee with the cute little low top Chuck Taylors, and Doug with bad ass punk rock black Chuck Taylors.......very nice.

  7. For the love of God, is that your "bench" in the background?!!! Two plyo boxes?......comfy

    Way to improvise.

  8. Those faces are pretty intimidating...haha and without that plyobox bench we would've been there till midnight

  9. Did "Jackie" at home. Time 14:41.

    Followed up with:
    100 Sit ups
    3X25 75# Deadlifts to work the hammy

    Great beach WOD Hannah & Tim!
