
Announcing the Keystone Affiliate Challenge II. 6.6.09
(in honor of Paul Sciullo II)

The WOD's will be scalable so anyone, regardless of your level, can participate.
There will be two individual WOD's and one Team WOD. Spaces are limited, so post to comments if you will be participating. There will be NO regular CrossFit KoP Class on 6.6.09 ONLY the Keystone Affiliate Challenge II. On June 6th, registration will start at 9 AM and the WOD's will begin at 10AM sharp.
Following the workouts at 1:00PM, we are hosting a fundraiser for the Pittsburgh Fallen Heroes Fund (this is open to everyone, you do not have to CrossFit prior to joining us for the party/fundraiser). As many of you know, one of our own (Lisa E.) lost her boyfriend Paul Sciullo II, who was shot and killed after responding to a domestic disturbance call on 4/4/09. The fundraiser will be a BBQ & Beer for $25. Local business have already begun to donate prizes for Raffles, Food, Beer, etc. and as always, there will be plenty of games to play.


  1. I would like to participate but if I take the spot of someone else, I would give it up to them as I am sure you will need help cooking and getting set up. Put me down for yes but if you need to bump me, I would understand.

  2. I unfortunately can't go because I have a wedding to go to that day! :( But I will definately make a monetary donation to help show my support. Maybe I can even do a modified WOD at home - since I don't have any equipment?

  3. Count me in and I can help out any other way as well. I'd like to do all three workouts if possible but don't want to take a spot from someone else so bump me out if you need to.

    Do you have any idea how parking will work?

  4. CF DelVal and CF Apex have both generously offered to bring equipment if necessary; I'm confident that everyone who signs up now will be able to participate in the WOD's.

    There is a parking lot on the top of the hill that my landlord owns and we will most likely be using that to park the participants. As time gets closer I will provide parking and logistics details.

  5. I'm down for getting sweaty...will a 100 meter row competition be added later on in the day to determine superior rowing ability?

  6. Mike, I'm pretty sure you and Sam create your own 100 meter row competition every day...so the 6th will be no different, haha!! Good idea for a little extra WOD on the side!

  7. I will be out of town from the 4th to the 6th, but will try and get back ASAP on the 6th. I probably won't be able to make it by 10:00, but definately count me in for the fundraiser. Jason, I can help out on the grill if you end up doing the workout.

  8. Count me in for the workouts and any setting up you need done before hand!

  9. Im in Im putting the day off request for work in as we speak.


  10. Jeff and I are in for WODs, set up, clean up ... whatever's needed. Great cause with a great group!

  11. Count me in for the WODS and what ever else you may need.

  12. Ditto for everything

  13. I will try and make it. It all depends on when the baby wants to arrive. Hopefully the baby arrives on time and I can bring him or her to the workout. If I cannot do the workout I will try and stop by for the festivities.

  14. Tim and I will be in Florida for Tim's best friends wedding on June 6th, so count us out. We're both bummed to miss it!

  15. I'm away that weekend. Wifey's b-day. damnit.

  16. sounds like a forfeit to me tim pappas. once again, tim m and i rule the table!

  17. I will be there possibly to drink and donate. No WODS for me, too much anxiety! I would get too nervous and poop my pants.

  18. Nichole! C'mon, we will just bring extra TP.

    I am in for the WODs.

  19. Even though we haven't met, myself and affiliate partners, Jenny Butler and Jimy Wiser from CrossFit West Chester will be joining you! I also have some prizes to donate on behalf of CFWC and Providence Combatives for the fund raiser. Can't wait to meet you and the rest.


  20. Hi, just wanted to let you know that my friend Caleb a fellow crossfitter from MD, will be joining us for the WODS that day too.
