
Welcome Joyce!
One of our newest members, working on that rack position. Joyce, who had never previously touched a barbell is becoming an oly rock-star in no time at all!!!

W.O.D. 2.25.09
AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Pistols "one leg squat"
15 KB Swings (55/35)

Spencer A. of CrossFit Athens nails 3 reps of a 265lb Overhead Squat: Video.

"Have fun screwing up...it means you are removing your ego from the problem."
-Greg Glassman

Lisa 35# 5
Laura 35# 5
Sam 45# 6
Tim P. 35# 9
Paul 55# 5
Adam 55# 6
Aimee 35# 8


  1. for the pistol, does 1 = right and left leg squat, and if we can't do it correctly can we set up a box and go to the floor with the other leg while 1 leg stands up elevated?

  2. Lookin good Joyce! Awesome job yesterday especially on those barbell lunges.

  3. Mike- Pistols 10L/10R for todays WOD. And yes, today we used either the Dynamax Med balls or a box or stacked bumper plates to squat down to. Have fun. Let us know how you do!!

  4. 8 rounds + 5 pull ups...my one legged squats were bad, after round 4 i attempted all the pistols still but did 10 air squats in addition each round to make up for some form.
    oh yeah, 35# kettle bell.
