
W.O.D. 2.8.09

"Crazy Evan"
7 Rounds for time:
21 Shoulder Press (75 Men/55 Ladies)
21 KTE

* I named this one after trying it...-Aimee

Knees to Elbows Demo...[mov][wmv]

"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"

Paul 65# 27:48
Jen 35# 27:48
Tim M. 75# 22:09
Hanna 40# 21:58
Sam 75# 21:50
Ray 55/45# 30:25


  1. Nice work this morning everyone!!
    I'm posting the results for todays WOD here in the comments.
    Aimee, If you want to cut and paste them on the main page from here it's a bit easier for me than getting into my dreaded Verizon e-mail.

    Paul 65# 27:48
    Jen 35# 27:48
    Tim M. 75# 22:09
    Hanna 40# 21:58
    Sam 75# 21:50
    Ray 55/45# 30:25

  2. Great upper body and core workout today, Evan. That was fun. Thanks, brother.

    I hear rumor of a hurricane rolling in for tomorrow. Sounds like one I can do. See you Monday at 5:30.

  3. Sorry I didn't make this one, but Friday and then 2 workouts Sat wiped me out! Glad some others made it out.
